
Ch.82 The party pt.2

Sorry guys, I'm a little late for the upload. But I was a little busy with assignments and I had this whole Visa situation to deal with and it took a little more time than I expected. 

Sorry for the inconvenience, enjoy the chapter.


I stared at her as she was walking in front of me and for the life of me I couldn't look away. Ted nudged me and said with a soft groan, "For the love of Merlin and Fey… get a hold of yourself."

I looked at him and said, "I can't." I stoped walking and I asked, "Is Tracey the same as them?"

Ted looked at me disappointedly and said, "Dude."

"Dude?" I raised my eyebrows

"Dude." He nodded and sighed. I patted his shoulder and said, "Dude."

Tori coughed a little and we looked ahead and she asked, "What are you two talking about?"

We both said it at the same time without thinking, "Quidditch" He looked at me and asked her, "So like, you don't have anywhere to be? Like Daphne could use your help…?"

She hummed and said, "Now that you say it, I do remember Tracey asked me to send you to her when you arrive?"

Ted's eyes lit up and Tori said, "Yeah, she's on the second floor, on the left wing." Ted was about to walk away but then stopped and asked, "You aren't just saying it so that I leave you two here… right?"

Tori shook her head and said, "Now why would I do that? You can go, I'll keep him busy."

Ted looked at me with hopeful eyes and I looked at him and I knew that she was lying but I can't call it out, "Jon?" I looked at her and she said, "Don't you want to?"

I turned to look at Ted but he was already gone, I cursed in my mind. I turned to her and smiled. We both were perused through the party and Tori asked me, "So how's your summer been going?"

I was looking towards the crowd and said, "It's been boring…" I turned to her and she was playing with her hair and I asked, "How about you?"

She chuckled and said, "I find that very hard to believe." A feeling of my stomach churning and my body being set on fire came over me as I saw her laugh.

It was becoming increasingly hard trying to not act like an idiot around her, "I saw your interview." Tori said as she fidgeted around with her hair. "It was nice, I liked your song…"

A similar feeling of warmth washed over me again and I said, "Thank you." She looked at me and I asked, "You still haven't answered my question yet."

She huffed and said, "I have been trying to convince my mom, to let me stay as they go to visit my uncle."

I found her cute even when she throws a huff. I chuckled and asked, "You must really not like your cousin huh?"

She shook her head and said, "Oh, you have no idea and not to mention. I would be bored out of my mind there."

I smiled and said, "Then don't go."

She looked at me and said, "I wish I could, but then my mom would nag and complain. It's a whole ordeal." 

She then looked at me and I couldn't understand why and she said, "You still haven't said anything about how I look? You used to be very gentlemen like you know?"

I scoffed and said, "I see that you're still blunt as ever." she looked at me and pouted and I chuckled and said, "You look beautiful… I mean it."

She smiled and looked down, "Thank you…" she looked at me and asked, "Bold choice, of you to wear something like that."

I squinted and said, "What do you mean? I don't look good?"

She shook her head quickly and said, "NO, you look good." 

She looked at me and I smiled at her and looked around and said, "This seems a little too big for a small, get together. Don't you think?"

She chuckled and said, "I think it's the same as your home's little "renovation" isn't it?"

I chuckled and said, "Yeah…" I looked around and I saw some that I knew like, Malfoy, Harry and Parkingson. She noticed and I asked, "What?"

She shook her head and said, "Nothing." "I heard about the tour."

I looked at her and said, "Yeah, I'm leaving soon."


"Not really, at this point I'm kinda used to it… but I think I'm more excited than nervous."

Someone tapped on my shoulder and I turned around to see and then was suddenly hugged by softness. I looked behind and the person who hugged me, it was ted and he didn't look to fond of it. "Jon, how's it going, mate."

I was let go and I saw a familiar face, "Tracey?" She looked at me and smiled, "Yeah? Who else?"

I looked her up and down and boy, she grew a lot, in a few weeks and I mean a lot. I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my waist and I turned around to see Tori pinching me, she looked at me and smiled calmly. She is spiteful "I saw your interview you were, AMAZING." 

I thanked her, "Thank you." I turned around and said, "You see that's how you show support."

Tracey chuckled and said, "You haven't changed at all, well… but you're still the same."

I turned to her and said, "Thank you… I've been putting a lot of effort into myself and let me tell you look just redonkulous… I mean just amazing." And again the stabbing pain reoccurred and I said, "Stop, it. It hurts."

Tracey chuckled and said, "Thanks… heard about the tour."

I nodded, "Yeah… I'm excited."

She looked keenly and asked, "When you're in the states… can you like get me an Autograph of Lizz?"

I was a bit confused and asked, "I'll try but I don't think she'll come…"

Tracey smiled and said, "Oh, trust me she'll come to see you."

I hummed and we started to do a little chat and in a few moments, Harry showed up, he grew a bit tall and I could see some semblance of a moustache. He was wearing a brows suite and said, "When is this thing starting? I'm getting bored."

Tori sighed and said, "It takes time to get ready… be patient." He saw me and did a little nod, I did the same "I saw the interview." he said.

I smiled and said, "Didn't knew you were a fan."

"I'm not." He quite rudely said which got him a glare from the girls "But you did good."

I nodded, I saw Malfoy hovering around with Parkingson and I said to Ted, "Barbie grew up as well, huh?"

Harry turned around to see who I was talking about, "Draco?" He asked and we nodded.

"It's a nickname we gave him." Ted smiled with a triumphant look.

"Wouldn't it Ken?" Harry asked

"No, Ken isn't all that bitchy… he just screams girl." I said as I folded my arms. I looked at Parkingson and she was quite different from what she was described as in the books. She did a round face and all but it sort of complimented her. She had that short bob cut hair, she was wearing a slim black dress.

She saw me looking it was like a clash of metal, she just kept looking at me with an odd look. I tilted my head and she scrunched her eyebrows. "Buddy?" Ted said to me in my ear.

"Stop." I turned my gaze elsewhere to see a clearly annoyed Tori and a Tracey who was enjoying the whole scene.

I turned my attention to Harry and asked her, "What do you think of Parkingson?" 

The question surprised him and the girls and he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't like her."

I nodded and said, "I get that… I'm asking more physically." Tori and Tracey were stunned by my shamelessness and I said, "It's perfectly normal question."

Ted shook his head and said, "Not, really?" I turned to him and asked him as well, "What about you?"

He looked at Tracey and she wasn't all that bothered and he turned it around on me, I sighed and said, "I find her repulsive." Ted sighed "But purely physically speaking… she does look good." Ted looked at me and I said, "I mean look at her and then look at all of us… if I'm being honest. We might be the most good looking in the whole room."

Ted stopped me and turned me around and said in a wisper, "Please stop. I'm begging you."

I sighed and nodded "Why?"

He looked terrified and said, "Victoria will kill you… so just stop… nothing good will come of it."

He turned me around and Ted said, "How about something to drink." He called out to the waiter and Tori asked, "What were you going to say?"

I looked at her and shook my head and said, "It's not a pleasant conversation… maybe sometime else." Tori looked at me and gave me that smile again. It sent a little chill down my spine.

Tracey looked at me and felt a little sorry. "Oh good, she's finally here."

Someone rang the glass and said, "The birthday girl is here!" I thanked god and turned around to see. I finally saw her walking into the room. She was wearing a royal blue dress with her sleeves hanging from the shoulders. She had tied her hair in a bun and was wearing a small emerald pendant.

Florian was walking towards her and led her to the stage. "We should go ahead." Tracey said. I nodded and we walked a little forward. 

Frody appeared with the cake and gently placed it on the table. Florian and Daphne were talking and Astoria was getting a little antsy for the cake. They finally cut the cake and everyone clapped. She saw us and waved. We waved back and Florian put his wand over his neck and said, "I thank you all for coming to my dear Daughter's birthday. Now, the floor is open for dancing and the food will be served next door."

Daphne came down and she was being bombared with greetings and requests to be her dance partners. After a few moments she was finally able to make her way to us. Tracey and Tori hugged her and congratulated her. I looked at them and it was sweet. It looks like they are like getting along.

Daphne then looked at me and chuckled, "I knew you wouldn't come wearing something normal."

I smiled and said, "It's your birthday. Normal doesn't cut it."

She smiled and said, "Can I have my first dance with you?" I looked at Tori and she didn't seemed bothered by it.

So I didn't see any problem with it. I smiled and bowed, "It'll be my pleasure… my lady." She took me by my hand and we were off to the dance floor.


She and I were on the dance floor and classical music was playing. I looked at her and said, "I'm afraid it's too late to say it… but I'm not a good dancer."

She chuckled and said, "No worries. I'll lead." She took my hand and placed one on her waist and she placed her on my shoulder. And we started to dance slowly with the music.

As I held her a sense of tingle run through my body. It wasn't the first time that I was this close to her, but this was very different. Her warms and her smell of cool ocean breeze excited me, made my heart jump out of my chest. 

She looked happy and in that moment so was I. "You look beautiful." I blurted it out, just like that.

She looked at me and smiled, "Hmm, I suppose you don't look half bad." 

She chuckled and I just kept looking at her, "You look beautiful." She averted her gaze a little and said, "you said that." 

"I meant it." I smiled at her shyness.

"That's not fair." she said to me without looking at me. I was a bit confused and she said, "I was just starting to have fun with you."

I chuckled and said, "You mean having fun, teasing me?"

She rolled her eyes and I looked at her and she nodded. I chuckled and said, "Doesn't have to end like that?"

She smiled and said, "You've become more, you."

"More, me?" I asked her and she nodded.

I shrugged and said, "Well, you've come more you as well… if that correct or coherent." She chuckled and I said, "I brought you a gift?"

She looked at me and said, "You didn't have to."

I smiled and said, "Come, I'll give it you."

She was a little confused and I took her by the hand and we made our way off the dance floor and into the garden. I looked around and there was no one nearby and she looked a little confused and said, "Is it like the time when you gave a gift to Tori?" 

I nodded and said, "Something like that." I got the gift out of my bottomless pouch and showed it to her.

She took it in her hand and smiled, "What did you make this time?"

"I don't want to ruin your surprise… come on open it." I said with excitement.

She shrugged her shoulders and opened it and found a book inside. she looked at me and said, "A book?"

I rolled my eyes and said, "Come on… I wont just give anything to you. It's special."

She took hold of the book and saw the cover and said, "Parseltongue for Dummies by Jonathan Grindlewald House?"

She opened the book and read the front page, "A simple and easy guide to learning Parseltongue." She looked at me with surprise and I said, "Read the inscription."

She looked down and read it, "A small token of our friendship. You've helped me in so many ways that's it's hard to describe them. You've always had faith in me even when I didn't. So this is my way to return the favour. Learn this and I'll help you find a way to cure Astoria. Our little gremlin."

[AN:- Stop reading right here. Go to any music app or website that you use and search for Dirty Mind by here comes the mummies. Play it and then read it. I beg you all. Please.]

I looked at her with excitement but tears started to fell from her eyes and I moved closer to her and asked, "Hey, come on… it's just a book."

She looked at me and I cupped her face and wiped her tears, but suddenly, for a moment, just for a moment. I thought that the world had stopped and that time was a stand still. I looked into her blue eyes and I just wondered. But she didn't, She leapt in and our lips brushed against one another.

She threw her hands around my shoulders and we kissed each other. I wanted to stop, I did. But at that moment I just didn't have it in me turn her. She softly moaned and ran her hand through my hair and I held her by the waist.

"JON!" We knew the voice and I turned around to see her. It was Tori.

Next chapter