
Ch.74 Flatsceen

The train reached the kings cross station and we got off the train with our luggage in hand. Tracey was the first one who found her parent and she went with them, Ted was picked up by his butler and off he went leaving Tori, Daphne and Astoria with me. As usual the station was filled with waiting parents and my friends were looking for theirs. Daphne and Tori were looking for their parents and I walking with them while holding Astoria's hand.

"You can go ahead if you want to?" Daphne said as she looked around for Florian.

Tori agreed with Daphne and nodded, "Yeah… we can look for them."

I was a little surprised and said, "You two trying to get rid of me?" That got a little reaction out of them and I said with a sly smile, "Trying to conspire something against me?"

Astoria then let go of my hand and shot off forward and into the arms of Florian. I looked at Daphne and said, "There Florian is here." We all walked towards them and Florian took Astoria's and Daphne's luggage and asked me, "You coming with us?"

I shook my head and said, "No, have to check my newly renovated home…" he nodded and I said, "Though I will come tomorrow to discuss some things." 

He nodded and said, "I have someone pick you up." 

I shook my head and smiled, "Won't be necessary. I'll manage… one more thing, make sure to call Ed as well." He nodded and then looked at Tori and said, "If you are looking for the Potter's they are a little down the station." He then looked at me and said, "We can wait until, James show up?"

Tori shook her head and politely smiled and said, "Won't be necessary Mr. Greengrass." 

He hummed and said, "Alright then… I'll see you tomorrow then Jon."

Florian took Daphne and Astoria and they were gone. Tori and I were walking to supposedly where the Potter's were and she wasn't talking much and I asked, "So what will you do during summer?"

She sighed and said, "Ugh, mom is saying that we'll go to my aunt's and spend some time there." I was a little surprised that they were visiting the Dudley's. "They aren't that bad but I don't like my cousin. He's…"

She turned me to "You know what I'm saying?" I nodded and chuckled lightly "So that's it huh? Going to visit family and that's it?"

She smiled slyly and said, "Beats whatever you'll be doing… which I presume is just more work. Just like last year."

I shook my head and said, "No, as I said earlier, I'll be traveling…" She looked at me knowingly and I said, "For business… but it's still travelling."

She chuckled and she turned to see ahead and thought the crowd saw her mom and we walked to them. We reached them and we saw Harry and the others. I saw Hermione and she didn't look too happy to see me around and I turned to Tori and said, "I'll see you later I guess." She nodded and I started to walk. Lilly stopped me and said, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

I turned to face her but I didn't stop and said, "I have a bus to catch, Mrs. Potter. Bye." I waved at them and Tori and Lily waved back at me. I took the port key and I was sucked in and spat back in front of my home. I stood in front of the gate and took a deep breath and said, "Good to be home."


(Next day)

I walked out of the shower after my morning exercise, I ruffled my hair to get out any remaining water, I should've gotten a haircut earlier it's getting long. I wrapped my waist with the towel and I stood in front of the mirror and saw myself. I have gained some good height and my muscle density has increased as well. I trained my hands around my body and felt it and it felt firm and good but not good enough. I looked at my face and it was loosing its baby fat and a definite jaw line was appearing. I sighed and shook my head, "More." 

I got dressed in a grey t-shirt and jeans. I picked up my wand and went downstairs to have some breakfast. As soon as I reached downstairs, Jeely asked from the kitchen, "What would you like to eat Master?"

I saw the paper on the table and said, "Anything is fine, Jeely." I sat down and started to go through the paper and I saw the normal articles on the paper, wizards being annoyed by Vampires and Werewolves, some fear mongering articles by Rita about the new technology and a hint towards the Tv that's to come, Ads for the products that we sell and an interview of Lizz for her album and a small paragraph related to the me. It was nothing too interesting. Jeely served a plate of omelet with spinach and tomato along with Toast and jam with a glass of milk. I sighed and put the paper down and started to eat my breakfast. 

After finishing my breakfast I got up from my seat and opened a gate into the Greengrass estate. I was immediately greeted by Frody, he looked surprised and I said, "Hi, there Frody… I'm here to meet Florian… have some business to discuss with him."


I was sitting in the study with Ed and Florian. "So how was school this year?" Ed asked me with a smile on his face and I just shrugged my shoulders and said, "Like usual, exams went well got good grades all that stuff."

Florian chuckled slightly and gave me a cup of tea and asked, "So shall we go ahead and discuss business?"

I nodded and Ed said, "We are ready to release the album. Everything is done… just need like a name and some cover art."

I hummed and said, "I was thinking of Daylight." 

Florian looked at me and smiled with pleasure and said, "That's a good name… seeing as you are coming out in the open with all. The name suits the album." He sipped tea and asked, "What of the cover?"

I thought about it for a moment and said, "How about a long road on the horizon and sun coming up with a guy walking with a small bag over his shoulder?"

Ed hummed and asked, "You want to do that?"

I tilted my head and said, "It would be from a long distance and it won't show my face so I don't think it would matter?"

Ed chuckled softly and said, "That's just one side we would need at the least 2."

I was thinking about it and Florian said, "How about you laying on the road while the sun comes out?"

I hummed and said, "Yeah… that's good."

Florian hummed and Ed nodded and got up while saying, "I'll go and arrange it all. We'll do it tomorrow." I nodded and Ed left the room and I looked at Florian and asked, "He's taken more responsibilities while I was gone."

Florian had a sly smile and said, "He cares… that's why." He shifted forward in his seat and said, "Now, let's talk about the TV deal."

I was excited to hear about it, "We did more testing after you sent us the prototype and this is what the team this is the best thing." He reached back into his seat and from the side pulled up a head but this was different that the one I sent earlier. This one was shriveled around the face but not the eyelids or the ears and he said, "The resolution we were getting from the head was far more superior from the camera and the audio was better as well. There was no drop in the signal and its quality however far we went so we won't need to make more infrastructure for it. With all that information we decided to go with it and the ministry liked it as well."

I was a bit surprised but who's to blame them it's more magical than a camera, "So they accepted the deal? WE can make a network now?"

He nodded and I smiled and nodded, I wanted to jump and pump my fist in the air and scream on top of my lungs but I calmed myself and he said, "But that's not where the good news stops. We have accomplished something new as well."

He pointed me towards a giant mirror on his wall and I was confused, I stood up and walked towards it. This was another new thing in his study and it confused me, "It's just a mirror."

He chuckled and said, "It's not just any mirror." He pointed his mirror towards the mirror and a small light glowed from its tip and the mirror started to change its colours and what it was showing before. It was showing a Quidditch game on it. It was between local teams of England. The level of detail and the sounds coming from it was years ahead than anything that would be developed in muggle world.

I turned to see him and he said, "We made our own Tv."


Hey guys, I hope you liked the chapter and I wanted to say a few things. I'm going to do a recast of all the characters and a few of them I have locked in.

Florian Greengrass- Nicholas Hoult

Adorebella Greengrass- Elle Fanning

Ed- Heath Ledger.

Theodore Nott- I'm thinking this guy Lorenzo Zurzolo.

Tracey Davis - Ariel Winter.

And the main three along with Astoria is not decided. So any suggestions for those I would be greatful. Although I do have an idea for the mc Either Cillian Murphy or Tom Hughes. So up to you guys. And thank you if you do decide to help me out with this one.

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