
Ch.71 Inside the Chambers Pt.3

In the dead of the night, while everyone sleeps and wander the land of the dreams two souls lay awake in the camber of secrets. Trying to uncover a mystery of their own. 

"Ugh!" I slammed my head into the book and look at him. He doesn't bat an eye and continues to go through a book of his own. Why is he ignoring me? Does he really not like me? Or am I too late and Daphne already won? Why isn't he looking at me?

"Hey" I called out to him. He turns his head to look at me finally and he asked, "Yeah?"

I didn't think this trough and he looks at me waiting for me to say something. I tilt my head and ask, "You find anything yet?"

He sighs and shook his head, "Nothing concrete… how about you? You look sleepy?"

I straighten by back and smile, "Nope…" A yawn betrayed my answer and he chuckled and stood up. "I'll make some tea."

I nod and he brings out his pouch and reaches in for some tea leaves and cups and kettle. I continue to ogle him while he makes tea. "Need some help?"

He smiles and turns to me, "I may not be a great cook, but I think I can boil some water."

I smiled and turned to the book, why is he being so snarky with me? He didn't used to be. Why is he being such a… ugh. He brings the tea to the table and asked, "How much sugar? 2, 3? perhaps 4?"

I didn't look at him and said, "2 please."

He put two teaspoons and gave the tea to me and sat down next to me and said, "Thanks for offering me your help." I looked at him and smiled, even though I was still a little angry and annoyed by his behaviour, he can at least be greatful. "I am happy to help."

I took a sip of tea and it warmed me up and eased up my fatigue, I took another sip and asked, "What is this tea?"

He smiled and said, "It's a special blend. Bella gave it to me…"

"Oh" I took another sip to hide my annoyed face, "The Greengrass family has been very hospitable it seems."

He chuckled and nodded, "Yeah… they have been great. I had a lot of fun while living with them." 

He looked at me and I gave a stiff smile and I put the cup down and said, "So I red through your notes and the reference material that you gave me and I think I understand the spell now." He looked interested and I couldn't help but ask "But I don't understand the reason behind this spell?" 

He looked at me with his eyebrows raised and a gentle smile on his face, "i understand, what you are going to say. We already have apparition and what not right?"

I don't like this smug look on his face, makes me want to punch him, I nodded and he said, "Well, both of them are similar in most aspect. Except for just one. This spell won't twist your whole being and push it into a small space while you travel."

I was confused and asked, "So you are doing all this work because you get sick?"

He squinted and nodded, "Pretty much."

I chuckled and shook my head, "Unbelievable." I looked at him and said, "And here I thought you had some grand purpose or something."

I chuckled and said, "Not like grand, but because of convenience and because I was bored and besides it keeps my mind occupied."

I pursed my lips when I head his answer, keep his mind occupied? Why? "Is there something on your mind that you don't want to talk about?"

He looked at me and scoffed and said, "NO." And there it was every time I tried to get close to him learn something real about him on my own terms he would just shut me down. "Okay." I turned to my books and started to read.

After a while I could feel him staring at me and he shook his head and sighed, "I…" he stopped and I looked at him and he, wet his lips and held his hands together and said, "I keep thinking about him."

I scrunched my eyebrows and asked, "Who?"

He sighed and said, "That no nose having pale as a toilet paper bastard." What? He sighed and said, "My dad."

"I don't know… I have been thinking a lot about him recently… you wanted to know why I was trying so hard to make this spell work. It's because of him." I turned to him and held his hands and he looked at me and I said, "It's okay."

"Ever since I have been here… he has been making appearances in my life and yours… not everyone knows how dangerous he is and those who do are unaware of him… and I keep thinking what if he uses that spell?" He looked at me and I could see he was scared. "I can't do anything solid against that. That's why I need this that's why right now. I need you."

I looked at him and smiled, "Then let's get to work."


(Jon's PoV)

Face plastered into the book and drool coming out of my mouth I woke up to the sound of something ominous. I looked and it was Tori, she held her wand up and was trying out the spell and I said, "Good morning."

She stopped what she was doing and smiled, "Good morning."

I rubbed my eyes and asked, "When did I feel asleep?"

She gave me her notes and said, "Around 5 or 6 ish…"

I got up and read her notes and said, "When did you wake up?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "When you were bobbing your head like a doll. You look cute when you sleep."

I chuckled and said, "I wish I could say the same." She did not appreciate the joke and I said, "I'm kidding obviously you look cute, waking or sleeping."

She raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh."

I went through her papers and it basically said, that since the two spells, apparition and this one are same they should operate on similar set of rules and so on and so forth. I looked at her and said, "Good deduction there Tori." 

I looked up and I didn't see her and said, "Thank you." I looked and she was ducked down and taking out some break and jam and said, "But I tested it out and it still didn't work."

I looked at the papers and then to her and asked, "Did you try and do it exactly like you would in apparition?"

With a piece of bread in her mouth she nodded and said, "Yeah."

I took the bread out of her mouth and she yelled and I said, "It won't work if you do it exactly." I took a bit of the bread and said, "But if you do it like this…" I held my wand out and imagined how the spell would work.

I imagined my home and its details and then I imagined twisting and opening the void from both sides simultaneously and in opposite direction and instead of stretching it out I overlapped the two. from the tip of the wand a green shiny and glimmer light came out. And created a circle with the same green light on its edges with a black and smoky void filling the circle.

I looked at Tori and she smiled, "It worked." I smiled and laughed and picked her up. She yelped and I swinged her around and continued to laugh manically in happiness "Put me down, I'm getting dizzy." I put her down and kissed her cheek in excitement and said, "Yes! Let's Go! We did it!"

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