
Ch.69 Inside the chambers Pt.1

It was a normal day for everyone in the Slytherin dorm but it could be said as the calm before the storm as they say. This was the final week before February. The last month before the end of the year exams. The students of hogwarts will go in full on preparation mode for their end of the year exams. There were so many that didn't care it and then there were some who were preparing for it since the year began. 

Suffice to say that this was the last weekend before everyone will be neck deep in books and cramming everything to pass their exams. Yet there was one young man that didn't care for any of it. He was in his room dancing around to the tune of the music and getting ready for his day.

[Smells like teen spirit- Nirvana]

🎵🎶Load up on guns, bring your friends 

It's fun to lose and to pretend 

She's over bored and self-assured 

Oh, no, I know a dirty word🎵🎶

There are a very few things that can get a me down, but right now I was on top of the world. Everything was looking up for me. My network project was successful and I shipped it out to Florian for further testing and development. Since it was hard to test the range while being confined in Hogwarts but we were successful to find that the signal was strong enough to capture the entirety of Hogwarts. 

🎵🎶Hello, hello, hello, how low? 

Hello, hello, hello, how low? 

Hello, hello, hello, how low? 

Hello, hello, hello🎵🎶

But since we want to spread it out we need to be sure, how much range it has. With some luck this time it will go through. I was optimistic about it. On another happy note, my training with Daphne has been going well. I have improved a lot since I started it with her. And she is a very good teacher.

🎵🎶With the lights out, it's less dangerous 

Here we are now, entertain us 

I feel stupid and contagious 

Here we are now, entertain us 

A mulatto, an albino 

A mosquito, my libido, yeah 



I was walking to my class and I had headphones over my ear and with a spring in my step. The day was looking up and I couldn't have been happier… and now I'm not sure, why? Because I saw Tori sitting on the railing outside of the charms class pouting. I removed my headphones and took a deep breath before I walked up to the class and she looked at me and I walked up to her and asked, "Are you alright?"

She got up and nodded but didn't say anything. We both walked inside the class and she sat with me, she kept looking at me but she just wouldn't say anything. I scratched the back of my head and asked, "Tori?" She shook her head and looked forward but after a few moment she again turned her head towards me and I sighed and asked, "Can you just please talk?"

She sighed and shook her head, "It's nothing…" She exhaled sharply and said, "It's just that you, are like always busy and I don't… get to see you now." She chuckled softly, "Ah, just forget it… look at me complaining, it's… it's not a problem, j-just forget I said anything."

I knew that I was tied up everywhere but I didn't realise that I had been neglecting my friends, "Look, ah… if you want you and I can spend the weekend studying." 

She looked at me and her eyes lit up, "Really? I won't be a bother would I?"

I nodded and said, "Uh, yeah… besides I need help with that spell… two heads better than one am I right?"

She smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'm in… thank you."

I smiled and looked ahead and I saw Ted walking in with the rest of the gang and Daphne didn't look to please but it didn't showed much on her face. Tori looked ahead and smiled and waved. 

After the class finished, Tori looked at me and asked, "So I was thinking maybe we should go to the cambers for the weekend to study."

I looked at her and she said, "Do you want others to see this new spell?"I shook my head and she smiled and got up and said, "And we'll leave after dinner and make sure to pack for Sunday as well."

I looked at her and stopped her and asked, "What?"

She scrunched her eyebrows and said, "I thought you wanted to work on it so that it's done before Feb, so that we could focus on our actual exams?" 

It's a good argument but it's kind of unnecessary to be honest. She sat down and said, "I know, it seems a bit unnecessary and all but school is important as well. You can't ignore it… that's why I'll help you knock this out… okay?" She asked with a smile at the end trying to end the discussion.

In the end I just nodded and agreed. She walked out of the class and I put my head down and then Ted walked in and sat down beside me and asked, "What are you doing?"

I looked at him and said, "I have no idea… but to think that I would be with her for two days… damn."

Ted nodded and sighed, "I know buddy…" he patted my back and said, "Just remember that if you get stabbed or end up missing I get the rest of your network share."

I looked at him and he chucked, "I'm just kidding… mostly."


(Tori's Pov)

I walked out of the class and I was literally walking on air. I will be with him for two days without anyone around. Ah, such a bliss. I saw Daphne standing with Tracey and she had a stiff expression on her face and I could help but rub it in her face like she did. 

"You look happy, what happened?" Tracey asked with a wry smile.

"Hmm, do I?" I looked at Daphne and said, "Maybe it's because I'm going to spend two days with Jon alone…"

Daphne scoffed and said, "Aren't you forgetting about bed checks and all?"

I smiled and said, "I have thought of it and I have my way around it. I appreciate your worry but it's unnecessary…" 

Daphne clicked her tongue and Tracey said, "Maybe you two should take a step back…"

I looked at Tracey and said, "OH, now you come in and say all this? Where were you when she was hogging Jon?" I didn't want to talk to them and I walked away from the two. Daphne did the same, leaving Tracey behind. 

Tracey wanted to stop her friends but she couldn't, she couldn't help but think about what Ted said to her. This is pulling them both apart, I will need to talk to Ted about it all. Maybe he can help with all this.


(Jon's Pov)

Rest of the classes went by but I could clearly see that Tori and Daphne were not talking to each other. This is bad, why did I ask Tori to come with me this weekend. What should I do? 

With those thoughts the rest of my day went by and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I drifted through the day and it soon came to an end and now I was waiting in the common room for Tori so that we could go.

I was sitting with Ted and he too looked worried, "I think we can still utilise this."

I looked at Ted while he talked, "You should use this two days to drive her away… do anything, just anything that she doesn't like. Be more into sports, talk about it, act like those guys from Quidditch. She hates them."

I looked at him and asked, "As much as I like the idea, why are you so excited about it?"

He looked at me and sighed, "Tracey, told me that they are full on fighting, right now and not a cat fight more like that passive aggressive girl fight."

I was worried that this would have happened and now it's here and I don't know the best way to handle it. I looked at Ted and said, "I'll do it."

He sighed and nodded, "It's for the best." He patted my back and said, "Let's just hope it works."


Hey, guys I'm back and thank you for your patience. The new chapter will be released tomorrow. I hope you liked this one and if you did let me know.


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