
Ch.35 Ted Talks

I was laying on my bed in my dimly lit room, I was watching star-wars. I didn't go to dinner. I didn't want to, I wasn't in a mood to do anything right now. I heard a knock on my door and wondered who could it be, I didn't want to leave my bed and when the knocking didn't stop someone opened the door.

"Whoa, what's that?" I recognised the voice it was Ted, I didn't turn around and replied "It's T.V., tele, the idiot box… so on and so forth." 

He entered the room and sat on the edge of my bed and watched the movie that was playing on it. He had look of amazement on his face. I shifted a little to give him some space and he sat properly and I offered him some snacks.

He took a handful of crisps and ate one, he hummed in satisfaction from what he had just eaten.

I smirked and asked, "They send you to check in on me?"

He pried his eyes off the Tv and shook his head realising why he was here, "Sorry, but this thing is amazing… you should have made it earlier… I could have been enjoying this… what you called it?"

I looked at him and again he shook his head "Yeah… when you didn't show up in the hall, they got worried and asked me to come check up on you…"

I hummed and nodded my head and took a few crisps out of the walker's bag and ate. He sighed and said, "Come on, they were trying to help and they were smart about it, they reported it to the headmaster, instead of doing whatever potter does…"

I still said nothing and he continued, "Come on Jon you're being unreasonable now. Need I remind you of what you did last year?" 

I looked at him and said, "Last time I told her that I would tell her before I did something stupid." I sighed and put the bag away and got upright, "I wanted to talk to them about it all, before she would tell all this to Dumbledore… but she avoided me."

He shrugged and said, "You would have stopped them from telling this to anyone."

I nodded my head in agreement "Damn right I would have… I would have tell them if they insisted, I would have told them not tell them everything." I sighed laid back "But they went ahead and did it so anyway."

"People would have gotten hurt if they hadn't tell." He retorted. I grunted in a low tone "I know…" He seemed confused and asked, "If you know all that then why are you being like this?"

I scoffed and said, "Being able to understand something doesn't mean that the anger and frustration goes away…" I sighed and said, "You don't have to worry about me…"

He sighed heavily and said, "Just talk to them… okay?"

I hummed and said, "I will."

We then went back to watching Star Wars, I don't even know when we fell asleep. 

I woke up and I saw the clock it was half an hour before our first class and I saw Ted sleeping he whole body looked contorted. I tugged him to wake him up, he woke up with a jitter and looked up with his eyes barely opened, he grunted and put his head back into the bed. I got up and yawned, I at least got in some sleep. I stretched and said, "Ted, wake up… or we'll be late" 

He grumbled and said, "5 min… more…"

I grabbed the bed sheet and tugged on it causing him to crash on the floor. He grunted and got up on his feet, "I hate you…" He scratched his head, I smiled "Love you too, mate."


We made it to class just in the nick of time. We had to skip out on breakfast and a shower, but it was herbology. So I doubt it wouldn't have been a problem. I saw both of them with Tracey, both looked really guilt. Ted nudged on my cape and asked, "You going to talk to them?"

I nodded and said, "Yeah, but not here." 

"Today we are going to learn about abirikia… A known fungi for its medicinal properties. Can anyone tell what they are?" Professor questioned us. Hermione's and Pansy's hand went up… I was confused and surprised to see Pansy to actively take part in a class and herbology no less. 

Professor Sprout was happy that someone other than Hermione was participating for once. "Yes Miss Parkinson." 

Pansy smiled and said, "For elevating pain and as an anaesthetic if prepared with king's moss and dead sea brine." She was actually quite happy while answering. But the professor then hummed and smiled, "Excellent Miss Parkinson, 10 points to Slytherin." She then continued, "It's mostly used after major surgeries or for the pain caused by broken bones. Additionally it's used in rituals in some cultures."

After the class was over I was leaving and suddenly got ambushed by the two. Ted patted my back and said, "I'll see you in your room…" He walked away but then come back and asked, "what's the password?" I looked at him and he sighed and left. I looked at the two and Tori said, "Can you please talk to us?"

I hummed "You sure? Cause yesterday you weren't such a big listener…" Daphne crossed her arms and said, "You wouldn't have let us tell them, that's why we did what we did."

"Your point being?" I replied. Daphne grabbed my arm "just listen to us for once?" I then saw that some people were now looking at us and I looked at them and said, "You guys want to talk… fine, but not here."

We walked out of the green house and we walked into the library and found a quiet corner. I took my wand out and did a privacy charm and asked them, "How much did you tell them?"

Tori nodded and pursed her lips before saying, "I just told them that I heard someone's foot step and I thought it was you, so we followed it and we found Mrs. Norris and that terrible message."

I sighed and hummed and asked, "And what's the truth?"

Tori looked at me and I gazed deeply into her eyes and she shook her head before caving in and said, "I heard some voice, it was menacing and cold. It was coming from within the walls."

I rolled my eyes and Daphne interrupted and said, "You don't believe her?!"

I sighed rubbed the bridge of my nose and said, "I do believe her…" I looked at Tori and said, "And I assume… that's the reason you were avoiding the questions in the first place?"

She nodded and said in a meek tone "Yeah… I didn't know how to tell you and the way you acted after it all happened. I thought that you would think…"

I looked at her and shook my head and said, "I would never think that, I know you… at least well enough to know that you can't do something like that…"

Daphne nodded and said, "What are we going to do now?"

I was confused and asked, "What do you mean "What are we going to do now?"" Both looked at each other and then turned their gaze on me and said, "We have to do something at least."

I groaned and said, "What will we do?"

Daphne squinted and asked, "You didn't hesitate last year… What's so different now?"

I looked at her and said, "You two! That's what! Changed. We are Slytherins… by default all of the suspicion is on us! And if we go snooping around on this thing playing Sherlock who knows what will happen… and I'm pretty sure, that the whole school thinks it's me."

Tori grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes and said, "Please, we should help at least in anyway we can…" Daphne did the same thing.

They both looked at me with their doe eyes full with anticipation and hope. I jerked my hands away and started to walk. They both stayed there and I turned around to look and begrudgingly said, "Come, we need to do research." They looked happy and squealed while hugging each other, well at least Tori did.


It was hard trying to look into something that you already know, I was looking for a bestiary while someone grabbed me by my arms and pulled me in. It was Hermione, She did a privacy charm and asked, "Do you know something about the chamber of secrets?"

I jerked my hands away from her grasp and said, "what's with people today and pulling me every where?" She looked very determined and I said, "It's very rude to ask for something and not saying please."

She looked at me with fierce determination and I sighed and said, "No I don't know anything about the chamber of secrets… I came from the muggle side of the world remember?"

She sighed and said, "Exactly what I've been telling those guys but they or Ron for the matter is convinced that you're the heir of Slytherin."

I laughed at how correct Ron was but to her it looked like the worst joke of the century, She sighed and said, "I know, I know… it's Ron what can you say…"

I wiped the tear and asked, "Do you suspect someone?"

She nodded and said, "It could be Draco…" I nodded and listened carefully, she continued, "50 years ago there was a similar incident…"

I looked at her and placed my hands on her shoulder and said, "I would advise you lot to stay away from the matter." I sighed and continued "But knowing the two of them, they would surely do something stupid…" She nodded and I said, "If you want my help in the matter in anyway just ask…" She sighed and nodded, her eyes though wandered to my book and she questioned, "Why do have a Bestiary in your hands?"

I chuckled and said, "Oh this thing, Ted and I have a bet… We were watching Star Wars the other night and he swears that Chewy is based on a yeti while I say it's Bigfoot."

She hummed and nodded "Well, good luck on your bet…" She turned around and walked away.


Section with Cotton 🐍

The Fungi Abirikia that I introduced is a secret tool that will come in handy later.

PS: I really need some images for the characters, I can't find good ones. 

Enjoy the chapters


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