
Ch.17 Wizard training.

Bolts of light were flying across the room, they were of every color, blue, red, purple, and orange. Two people were sparring, one master, the other student. The light bolts weren't the only thing that they were throwing at each other.

The master, ripped the stones out of the ground and hurled them at his student, along with a bolt of lightning. The student ducks down and raises a wall made of stone to protect him. The lightning struck the stone wall, destroying it.

The student, quickly, raised his wand and a green light glowed at the tip of his black wand. The teacher tried to move, but his legs stuck to the ground. He looks down, and he finds, that his legs were being tied by the grass, and it slowly creeps up. He sees this and points his wand at the grass, and a white light appears at the tip of his wand. An air stream rushes out of his wand, and it cuts the grass, freeing him.

But as he looks up, he sees his student pointing his wand at him. He smiled and raises his arms, admitting defeat. The student chuckles and puts his wand down and At that moment his master tries to teach him a lesson, but the student points his wand and says, "Expelliarmus!"

A red light glows at the tip of the student's wand, and it strikes the hand of his master, loosening his grip on his wand. The master looses his wand and the student picks it up and said, "Finally got you, prof."

The prof. Chuckles and claps, "You did and this time you took heed of my words…"

They both said in unison, "Don't expect your enemy, to play fair."


More than a month has passed since I started learning under Quirrell, but it's more like training under Voldy. Cause the stuff that I have been learning is quite advanced, he has been teaching me dark spells… destructive spells, elemental control and basics of alchemy and runes.

We both sat down on the ground, I caught my breath, and he said, "You did good J-on… I have to say, yo-u have co-me a long way since we sta-rted."

I chuckled, and I said, "Well, I have a pretty good master…"

He chuckled and asked, "What are you goi-ng to do d-uring the br-eak?"

I sighed and said, "Well, I am going to kick my feet up and relax for a while, you have been working me pretty hard lately."

He chuckled, and I asked, "What will you do?"

He looked at me and said, "Ah, noth-ing much, I am going to c-elebrate the seas-on with some of my sch-ool friends, that's it."

I hummed, and he got up and dusted his robes and said, "Well, Jon, enjoy the holidays and relax, but not too much."

I nodded and he walked away. I sat there, in the open field, for a while before leaving.


I made my way to the library we liked to hang out there since Hermione could also come there and all. I walked into the library and I found the group. I went to the table and sat down. Hermione and Ted were studying, while others were just generally hanging out.

Victoria put her book down and asked, "How were your extra classes?"

I chuckled and said, "Tiering."

Daphne looked at me and said, "I still don't get it. Why do you spend so much time with Prof. Quirrell of all people?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "He is easy to talk to and besides I am learning a lot from him."

Daphne shook her head and said, "I seriously doubt that."

I chuckled and said, "Either way, I am getting extra credits, so who cares."

Tracey looked at Hermione and said, "Stop with your reading. we are going home tomorrow."

Hermione looked at Tracey and said, "That's exactly why I am doing it today."

I chuckled and asked, "Awe, come on, what's so important? Research or spending some time with your friends before they leave? Well, them… I am still here."

Victoria looked at me but then looked at Hermione and said, "Yeah what is it? You can tell us maybe we can help?"

Hermione put her book down, and she took a deep breath and asked, "Does anyone of you know about Nicolas Flamel."

I chuckled and said, "Yes, Ted wants to become like him."

Ted looked at me and raised his arms and said, "Dude! Not cool."

I winked and said, "We're all friends here, Ted, no need to be shy."

Hermione leaned in closer and looked at me and asked, "What do you know about him?"

I smiled and patted Ted's back and said, "Well, Ted is the expert on the matter, so why don't you tell her Ted? Go on Ted, release your inner fanboy."

Ted looked at me and said, "You will pay for that." He then looked at Hermione and said, "Nicolas Flamel, He is the French Alchemist, the creator of the famed Philosopher stone, and he is about 665 old, and he lived that long because of the stone. But why the sudden interest?"

As soon as she heard that, she got up from her seat and quickly sorted her books and said, "I'll tell you guys later. Right now, I need to go now."

I shook my head and said, "Well, come to us if you have any more problems, we are friends after all."

She nodded and she left in a hurry. She is going to tell those two about it.


From tomorrow the winter break starts. Victoria and Harry are going to their home, as is everyone else who has family. I will be spending some alone time in the castle, which means more time for me to use the ROR.

Victoria and I were in the common room, sitting in our usual spot. By the fireplace and the bookshelves, we were sitting on the sofa, and we were reading some books… from the Slytherin common room. It was about Merlin and his tales… pretty good, actually.

Both of us have been sitting quietly reading books. Daphne and Tracey had already left to pack up their bags, but Victoria was still here. I put my book down and asked, "So you are going to stay here?"

She hummed, and I asked, "May I ask why?"

She put her book down and looked at me and asked, "Why do you want me to go?"

I sighed and looked at her and said, "I know that there are some problems with your family, but they are your family… you need to talk to them and make them understand you… otherwise. You'll lose them."

She knew I was right, she knew that running away from it won't do anything. She nodded and sighed, "You really think that they will understand?"

I chuckled and said, "I don't know, but from the stories you have been telling me… your mom surely will." I looked at her and said, "Just reach out to them, Victoria, they will do the same."

She got up from her seat and said, "Now if I am going then I would need to go pack my bag."

I chuckled and said, "Be sure to send me some letters."

She went to her room and started packing. I picked up the book and went to my room. I changed my clothes and put Cotton in her Terrarium. I laid down on the bed and read the book. I just wondered what is it like to spend holidays with your family… must be nice to have someone around.


Section with Cotton 🐍

Greetingsss Readersss,

I am sorry for not uploading but I am kinda sick. I don't have the energy to write 2 fic in one day. I started a few days ago and I ignored it because I thought that I was just tried but that not it.

I am taking some rest and hopefully I'll be better by Monday.

If you liked the chapter leave a comment down below and while you are at it throw some stones as well and I will see you in the next chapter. Bye.

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