
Chapter 33

All of them fainted. And they didn't know how. Just one voice spoke. And after that it's a blackout.

The first one to regain consciousness was Mizuki.

Although Juno was a god and Lilith was a demon, it was Mizuki who first came to.

"Uuuu… Where am I?" She tried to get up and open her eyes.

She then opened her eyes which was heavy like a heavy drowsiness was stopping her.

But she opened her eyes. And she found everyone lying around her.

"Hoooohh. Someone has woken up." A woman came to the room.

The room itself was nothing special. A normal living room and they were all lying on a carpet.

The ceiling was high and it was decorated with many decorations.

It gave a distinct feeling of it being a mansion.

It certainly looked old to Mizuki.

She quickly looked around and tried to calm herself and thought.

The woman sat on a sofa and pointed at Mizuki to sit on the other one.

Mizuki tried to get up but she staggered. Nevertheless, she stood up and sat down on the sofa.

"I thought it would be that woman to wake up first. But you woke up. Intriguing." She spoke with curiosity.

But Mizuki understood one thing. She was not normal.

"Umm….can I...ask you who….you are?" Mizuki asked.

"Ahhh. I see. That's natural. Considering that you are not panicking, I should introduce myself. I am Nyarlathotep. Call me Nyaruko. This is what he calls me too." She introduced herself.

"Nyaruko. I see. So why did you bring us here?" (M)

"You know you are surprisingly calm. If it was that woman, she would've blown a fuse already. Are you not finding it unusual?" (N)

"It is unusual. But what I have seen and heard for the past few days, it doesn't feel anything special." Mizuki answered her question calmly.

"Ahh. So you do know who he is." (N)

"If you mean Akatsuki, then yes. But I have no idea what is that supposed to mean." (M)

"How about I tell you! Oh! There's one other person. Yosh! Let's bring her too."

Nyaruko said and snapped her fingers. Then on the sofa Momoko appeared.

She was stunned for a moment.

"Wha…? Where am I?" She was looking around nervously and panicking. It felt like looking at a lost small animal.

"Yo!" Mizuki called her.

"Ehh, Mizuki, you are here? But where are we?" She was relieved to see a familiar face.

"I don't know." Mizuki said with a calm face.

With this, she started to panic again.

Seeing her gave Nyaruko a reason to laugh. So she started laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Mizuki asked her with a deadpan face.

It's like she lost all her emotions. She wasn't like that. A quick character change to adapt to the seriousness, maybe.!

"Nothing. But her reactions are just too funny. I can't help laughing." (N)

"Anyway Mizuki, who is this?" Momoko asked her.

"Well she calls her self Nyarlathotep. Call her Nyaruko." (M)

"Ok." Momoko nodded.

Nyaruko is a beautiful woman. Just like Selene she has white hair but her eyes are violet just like amethyst. But her beauty was also scary.

The more you look at her, the scarier she gets.

An inhuman beauty which was capable of driving everything in existence mad.

"What is more interesting is the fact that you still have your sanity!" (N)

"Why wouldn't be sane?" Mizuki retorted.

"I am someone whose beauty drives everyone to madness. And yet you are holding a normal conversation with me and she is looking at me. I see. So this is what you have done." She muttered.

"Can you wake them up as well. It's unsettling that we are the only ones awake." Mizuki asked her.

"No can do. They have their roles to play. But the time is not right, yet." (N)

"Then give me an explanation. Why are we here? We were just planning about going on a trip." (M)

"A trip. Is that perhaps his idea?" (N)

"You keep saying his. Are you meaning Akatsuki?" Mizuki asked her.

"Yes. Who else but him. That liar." Nyaruko showed an unexpected face.

Her face twisted with anger when she said that.

"Do you know him?" Mizuki asked.

"Very well. Probably the only one to know him the longest. I am his childhood friend after all." (N)

"Huuuuhhhh?" A long questioning sound came from the both of them.

"Oh and a real one. Not some fake childhood friend who betrayed him." Nyaruko looked at Momoko and grinned.

Momoko felt insulted though she didn't under the reason.

"Why are you grinning while looking at me?" She asked her.

"Nothing. Anyway, we have a sister, two mothers, a friend and her daughter, a childhood friend and another sister. What a collection! I have give Akatsuki full marks for this." Nyaruko said with a delighted face.

"You know, you are not making any sense." Mizuki asked her.

"I am talking about the people here and their relationship with Akatsuki. How did it become like this?" (N)

"Even if you say that, I don't know what you mean? How are we related to Akatsuki? Only Juno should be his mother. But you said two mothers. Who is the other?" (M)

"Obviously your mother. And you and your sister are his sisters. That confused and crazy girl over there is the fake childhood friend and that demon is his friend." (N)

At this Mizuki and Momoko froze.

What Nyaruko said was completely wrong according to them. However, they couldn't refuse it.

Somewhat deep in their minds they were hesitating.

"Are perhaps your memories coming back?" (N)

They looked at her while drowned in thoughts.

Her words didn't reach them completely and they only stared at her.

"It's going to be difficult." Nyaruko held her temple and shook her head.

It looked a lot painful but it was only annoying.

"Huhhh. First Nebula and now Akatsuki. Gods are falling one after another and all because of some silly reasons." (N)

"Hey wait, tell us from the beginning. We all have been dying to know about Akatsuki and only got started when you kidnapped us."

For the first time, Mizuki showed emotions. She practically was on the verge of tears.

"I will tell you that. About that idiot and why he became like that. But first, Momoko, what do you think of him?"

Nyaruko asked Momoko.

"Eh...unnn….what you say? I don't even know him that well." (Mo)

"See! There! He got you there. If you don't know him, then you won't feel anything special for him. And he took advantage of that." (N)

"Mizuki, what about you?" (N)

"Ummm…..he is weird. He does things that has no meaning. And is weird. Emphasize the weird part. Because, what he did till the very last moment I remember, was in a word, WEIRD."

Mizuki put her words with a lot of weird mixed in.

"I see." Nyaruko smiled although bitter.

"Then shall we proceed? He won't be noticing anything anytime soon. So how about we wake them up. And have a little strategy meeting. Like the one you were having." (N)

"That might be better. I think that we all need to know a few things. Otherwise, things will get hectic." (Mi)

"I don't know what happened before but I too want to know." Momoko said.

With that, all the players had assembled. Akatsuki had yet to realize Nyarukos intervention.

But they would know everything about him. And he wouldn't even know.

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