
Chapter 63

1982 words in this chapter, I usually only write between 1100-1200 words per chapter, so don't expect this to happen much.




Vegeta POV.

Once Sage and 21 left the area to have their battle, my eyes immediately locked onto Frieza and didn't even bother paying attention to anyone else. Transforming into a Ssj, I charge straight at Frieza, wanting to get my revenge, even if it's just some lousy clone.

Once I was right in front of him, I attack him with a kick to the left, but he managed to block it time. Somersaulting away, I land back on the ground and fire several ki blasts nonstop, a few seconds later the area is filled with dust which lowered my ability to see. Suddenly sensing an attack coming from the dust cloud, I tilt my head to the left and barely manage to dodge Frieza's death beam.

Glaring at Frieza who just attacked me, he walks out of the dust cloud with a smirk on his face.

Frieza-"Hohoho, to think that Vegeta the Prince of monkeys managed to become a Super Saiyan but it doesn't make a difference to me, Mistress has given me orders to fight you but I think I'll just save her the trouble and kill you so she doesn't have to waste time with someone as lowly as you."

Vegeta-"Hmph, stop acting all big and mighty Frieza, you are nothing but a clone, and if the real one couldn't beat a Super Saiyan, how could a pathetic clone ever beat me, Vegeta!"

After I finished mocking Frieza, his facial expression was filled with anger as he powered up to full power. Powering up as well, I charged straight at Frieza while he charges at me, both with the thought of showing who is superior.

Vegeta-'I'll show the power that I, Vegeta, have achieved!'



Tien POV.

Standing right in front of me is Nappa, he was with Vegeta when they arrived on earth and he killed me in battle. I can still vividly remember that battle like it was yesterday, every detail is engraved into my mind. Calming down, I stare right at that arrogant face, as he initiates a conversation.

Nappa-"It's been a while hasn't human, I seemed to have forgotten your name but I guess that makes sense, you weren't powerful enough for me to bother remembering, with how easy I killed you."

Tien-"The name's Tien, and I'm no longer the same person as I was back then, so make sure to remember my name because I'm going to kill you."

Nappa-"Hahaha, You're hilarious, but a pathetic human like you will never be able to defeat a Saiyan like me!"

Tien-"While it is true that a human can not compare to a warrior race like you Saiyans, but do not underestimate hard work and determination."

No longer wanting to continue the conversation, I get into a fighting stance and flare my ki. Nappa seeing me does the same and unleashes his ki as well, which is equal to mine. Getting serious, I fly straight towards Nappa and open my 3rd eye, Nappa seeing me charge at him smiles while he flexes his muscles.



Yamcha POV.

I'm currently surrounded by 3 different Saibemen, luckily though they each only have about 70% of my power, otherwise if they all had my full power then I wouldn't stand a chance. I mean even now, it'll be a hard fight but I still have a chance as long as I don't exhaust my ki and I fight smartly.

Dodging a kick from behind me, I tried to counterattack attack but right when I do another one attacks me from behind, stopping me from counterattacking. Flashing behind the one who just tried to attack me, I attack with a kick to the right of his head but when it's just about to connect, the 3rd Saibemen managed to block my kick and protect the other one, but not without some damage to his arm.

Continuing to fight them I flash around and dodge their attacks while trying to figure out when to attack.

Yamcha-'Whenever I attack one, another will attack me and the last one will block my attack, as long as this continues I'll eventually be worn down and defeated. If I want to break this balance I need to kill or at least seriously injure one of them with a single attack. Haa, I don't like using this technique but ever since drinking the water that Nala created for us, the strain on my body has been significantly reduced.'

Blocking a punch to the gut, I flash away from them and activate my technique.


Right after using it, my power is now far higher than before but I can also feel the drain on my stamina when using it. Knowing I don't have much time to use this technique before I exhaust myself, I quickly flash behind the farthest Saibemen and attack him with my hand acting as a claw.

Yamcha-"Wolf Fang Fist!"

The Saibemen didn't even have enough time to react before I successfully landed the hit, destroying his body in the process. Deactivating the Kaioken I barely felt exhausted, looking at the 2 remaining Saibemen, I get into my wolf stance and pounce on them.



Krillin POV.

Looking at the giant Purple man with black horns sprouting out from the side of his head, I'm just happy he is a clone and I don't have to worry about my body getting taken over. I got into my fighting stance, and when I was about to attack him, he started doing those weird poses that the original Ginyu would do.

Watching him do all these weird poses while he starts chanting about himself and his 'Mistress', really dampened my mood to fight him. Sighing, I watched him for a while before I got irritated and interrupted him.

Krillin-"Are we going to fight or not, because watching you do those stupid poses are boring."

When I asked him, he stopped doing the poses and looked at me with hostility while responding with anger evident in his voice.

Ginyu-"You fool, you don't even know the greatness behind group poses and their ability at improving morale, and you dare call that stupid!?"

Krillin-"Yeah, I don't care about your poses or other stuff you do, we are supposed to fight, so let's fight!"

Ginyu-"So be it then, I shall defeat you in the name of my Mistress and show you the power of my poses!"

Finally finished talking, I got back into my fighting stance while Ginyu's stance looked more like a fancy pose than an actual fighting stance. Staring at each other, we powered up and charged at each other at full force, while I hoped to just get this battle over with quickly and get away from this weirdo.



Trunks POV.

Across from me are two of my most hated enemies ever, android 17&18, and even though they are just clones, looking at them makes me angrier by the second. I get into a fighting stance, ready to attack at a moment's notice, while they are talking among themselves.

18-"Lucky us we got one of the strong ones, so who will go first brother?"

17-"Hmm, how about we do rock, paper, scissors. Best 2 of 3, and the winner gets to decide who goes first, unless you got a better option sister."


Seeing them not taking me seriously, and even going as far as playing games amongst themselves irritated me quite a bit, but I didn't let it get to my head. About a minute later I saw 18 beat 17 and she started walking forward in my direction with a smile on her face.

18-"I'm going first brother."

17-"Tsk, fine you won, but make sure to not kill him, I would like to play with him as well."

Watching her walk toward me, she stops until she's only a few meters away from me, and then she beckons me to come and fight her.

18-"C'mon boy, I wish to enjoy playing with you before Mistress returns after defeating your friend, so hurry up and transform."

Transforming into a Super Saiyan, I unleash all of my power, and the moment I do 18's facial expression freezes and small traces of fear creep onto her face.

18-"I-It looks like I'm going to need some help with this one Brother."



Piccolo POV.

Right now I'm battling Raditz, and I'm currently at a disadvantage facing him, it has only been a few minutes since I defeated Buu, and now I'm fighting someone just as strong as him. Lucky for me, I'm stronger than when I fought Buu, but I'm still exhausted, the amount of ki I have isn't the best but it's manageable, the real problem is that this clone has Raditz's personality.

This means the clone is arrogant, prideful, and self-centered, but that also means he has the mind of an experienced veteran warrior. So this battle will be far more difficult than fighting Buu was, the bright side is the longer this battle plays out the stronger I get, but It's not nearly as quick as Cell. Suddenly getting punched in the stomach and forcing me out of my train of thought, I put my sights on Raditz.

Raditz-"I must say green man, for being in the middle of a battle you seemed to be thinking quite a lot."

Piccolo-"Yeah and thanks to you I lost my train of thought right when I was about to come up with a plan to defeat you."

Raditz-"It seems like I attacked at a good time then didn't I?"

Seeing the smile on his face reminded me of how every Saiyan I fought, whether they were allies or enemies always had a slight smile on their face. Back then I could never understand how they could love fighting so much, but ever since I underwent that procedure that Nala introduced to me, I can kinda understand why Saiyans love fighting.

Shaking my head, I get rid of any useless thoughts and only focus on the fight ahead of me.



Kaioshin POV.

Dabura-"Haha, to think this is how I would meet the Supreme Kai, and not only that, it had to be one of the weakest Supreme Kai to ever exist. At least the other Supreme Kai's could fight Buu, but you couldn't even beat half of the mortals here, it's honestly pathetic."

Kaioshin-"It may be true that I have been the weakest Supreme Kai to date, but that doesn't mean I'm going to just give up, you'll have to kill me before I allow you guys to win!"

Dabura-"Hahaha, that was the plan all along you fool, did you really think we would let you live?"

Kaioshin-"Well it seems like there is no more point in talking, is there? Kibito, take Gohan further away from the battle and make sure to keep a distance as well, ok."

Kibito-"B-but Kaioshin I ca-"

Kaioshin-"NO! This is fight is not only a battle with Dabura but also a chance to prove to myself that I can still improve as a Supreme Kai, and I won't be able to do that if someone helps me, ok. Besides, you aren't strong enough to participate in this battle yet, so just listen to me."

Kibito-"Haa, Yes Kaioshin."

Watching Kibito take Gohan up into his arms and fly away, I immediately teleported behind them and reflected a sneak attack sent by Dabura. Dabura dodges his attack I returned to him, and charges at me.

Dabura-"It doesn't matter whether you protect them, they will eventually be killed and devoured by Mistress."

Kaioshin-"Even so I will still fight to my last breath."

Flying at Dabura, whose charging at me, I pray for my victory.

Kaioshin-'Watch over my battle and help me emerge victorious, Grand Supreme Kai!'

Yolo what it do!?

Thxs for any feedback :)

Only one more chapter till the end of the Volume!!

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts
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