
Chapter 11

Bonus Chapter because I achieved 100k views on the book! yolo :)


Several hours later after meditating, I got up from my self-made bed, that's made of leaves and sticks. Stretching my body, I do a little warm-up exercise that includes 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a lot of running. After doing my warm-ups, I start flying in a direction with lower gravity, because the beasts that live in the same area I train in are far too strong for me. Speaking of beasts, the strongest creature I have seen while alive was probably the spider-like beast, that was so powerful that both my mother and father had to turn into Ozaroo's to defeat it, and even then they both returned injured and exhausted after, but that was a little more than a year ago.

Reaching my destination, I come to a halt and land. I notice that the gravity is just a little bit stronger than what I was born on. Using my ki to scan the area, I can feel that the strongest beast is about twice as strong as me. Excluding that beast, all the other beasts are not that much stronger than me.

Sage-'hmm. This is a good spot for some more training, I will stay here until I kill the lord that resides here.'

Deciding on what to do, I start walking into the giant forest. After 5 minutes of wandering around, I came across a cave. Just outside of the cave are small piles of bones, which I assume were its food. Walking closer to the entrance of the cave I hear loud breathing, thinking the creature inside is sleeping. I fire a weak ki blast, not to damage it just to get its attention. After waiting a second I hear a loud roar coming from the cave.


Now that it's awake I can get a proper reading on its ki signature.

Sage-'It's only a bit stronger than me. This should be fun!'

Now that the creature is awake I hear loud footsteps and slowly I see a huge beast that resembles a bear. The beast looks as if the bear was on steroids and worked out, but it skips leg day and only does upper body.

The beast now standing out of the cave looks around to find the culprit that awoke it from its slumber. Finally settling its eyes on me it looks at me with what I can only assume is an enraged expression and roars before charging straight at me. Seeing it charge straight at me I get into my fighting stance and right when it's in front of me, I slide underneath it and Kick myself off the ground propelling me straight towards the stomach of the beast. Slamming my head against its stomach I launch it several meters in the sky, watching it fall back down I fire several ki blasts at the creature that explodes all over its body.

When it hits the ground It causes a miniature dust cloud to float up, Making me lose my target. After waiting for a while suddenly the beast appears in front of me with its paw raised high into the air ready to claw at me. Seeing him ready to attack me I decide to block the attack, when he hits my arms I feel a great force impact my body, resulting in me getting pushed back a few meters.

Feeling my arms bleed I start smiling, and my body reacts the same, as my heart starts pumping faster in excitement.

Sage-'So this is what it feels like to fight knowing that if I lose I die. It's addicting! No wonder mother loves fighting so much.'

The beast seeing me smile after taking its attack must've thought I was mocking it or something because it roars and starts attacking me much more aggressively than before. Watching it try to attack me I laugh with excitement and start fighting with it hit for hit, whenever it attacks me I either block his attack or attack back canceling both of our attacks.

I don't know how long we have been fighting but both me and the beast have several injuries on our bodies. I have claw marks all over my arms and chest, while the bear has some burn marks and several Imprints of a small fist on its body. One thing I have noticed during our fight is that in the beginning, I was on the losing end because of our size difference and power. I am now slowly overwhelming it, every 2-3 attacks the beast hits me with I manage to hit the beast 4-5 times. Seeing as I have the advantage I abandon defense and go all on the offense, now for every 2-3 attacks, I can get almost 7 attacks in!

Several minutes later I notice that the beast has slowed down and is panting quite heavily. Noticing this I decided to end the fight, this fight is no longer as exciting now that I know I will win.

Dodging a claw attack from the right side I jump back to get some distance from us. The beast seeing this just stands there looking at me. Seeing this I raise one arm and shoot my signature move that I have vastly improved on from training with my mother, that I no longer need two arms to perform.

Sage-"Galactic Burst!"

The beast, seeing a light red sphere shoot towards it, opens its mouth to try and devour it. But right when it reaches in front of its face it expands, quickly enveloping the beast and then a huge explosion erupts with the beast right at the center. After sensing no more ki from the beast I fly towards the crater and find the beast dead. Looking at it I smile thinking this is the first real battle I had experienced. Deciding That I should keep something from the bear as something to remember this battle by, I fly down and pick up the creature.

Flying to where I sense mother and father I get there within a few minutes, Sensing them fighting each other I fly and land right beside them. They must have seen the beast as an enemy because they got into a fighting stance.

Dropping the beast that was on top of me, I smile thinking they will be proud of me that I managed to hunt something so big on my first try. When mother and father see the beast tip over they get confused until they see me underneath. Smiling, I walk forward to tell them about my hunting story.

Sage-"Mother, father look what I-"

When I started feeling lightheaded, Grabbing my head I started feeling dizzy and lethargic. Confused about why I feel this way I look down on my body, and when I do I notice all of my injuries from fighting the beast. But the problem isn't the injuries themselves, it's the amount of blood I have lost from fighting.

Sage-'No wonder I feel so terrible. Well, I have learned my lesson, always make sure to block.'

After thinking that, I fall to the ground blacking out after hearing my parents yell my name worriedly.



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