
Chapter 127

Tai and the other two enter the dungeon they come to the first two cells seeing the two bodies that looked like dry husks, Tai leaves the same when she takes their life essence.

" she's fed off of their life and she should be twice as strong as she was and might be on par with you now Qin" Tai said walking past ten more cells that had bodies in them when they came to the last two, a woman who looked pale and underweight was in a fetal position.

" guard come take her to the infirmary to be healed and let her rest with guards watching her, we'll take care of this and no one is to come back in this cell." Qin said as the guard picks the woman up and carries her out, Qin stands beside Tai looking at the woman who now looks to be forty years old instead of eighty.

Gold, curly hair down past her waist with large d breast the and long legs with a voluptuous butt was now looking outside of the cell window with her back to them.

" ah do you like my looks more now hybrid, I'll let you have a taste of me before I eat you whole" Harriet said with a loud laugh after then turning around facing Tai, her purple eyes was glowing and Tai stared deep into her eyes walking forward hitting the cell door as she wakes up from her trance. Qin gets angry then shoots a red lightning bolt that hits Harriet in her gut and throwing her against the wall, the woman leans against the wall hissing at Qin.

" do that again witch and I'll leave you with only a torso " Qin said with an angry look on her face, Harriet clicks her tongue in annoyance and walks up facing them both.

" Qin you have always been greedy, hundreds of years ago you were more understanding of what all of us are and you were more understanding of each of our nature. If you don't give me this hybrid and Lois I won't hold back anymore, I will make it to where one of us meet our end Niece" Harriet said taking her hand out touching Tais stomach, she licks her lips as her hand slides down to Tais member. Qin smacks her hand away, then places her hand over Tais front with furrowed brows and Harriets breathing was now heavier.

" I'll make a deal with you let me feed off of you and stay by my side, you'll also need to feed to keep us both sustained and I'll leave Lois alone freeing her from being my new shell." Harriet said, Qin was about to intervene when Harriet flicks her hand sending Qin flying through the cell behind them and out through the other side. Harriet makes a fist and the bars on her cell crumples up like a wadded up piece of paper, Tai was captured by her glowing purple eyes and could not wake up from the spell she was under. Qin skidded over a hundred foot away from the dungeon coughing up blood when she came to a stop, Harriet kisses Tai exploring her mouth with her tongue.

Harriets hand slides down inside of Tais pants as she slowly strokes her member, she snaps her fingers as a barrier goes up around them both when Qin crashes her fist into it and she bounces off of it.

" Harriet don't please don't do this " Qin said with tears in her eyes, Harriet ignores her then drops to her knees taking Tais head in her mouth and starts twirling her tongue around it and takes it deep down her throat as she bobs her head holding onto Tais hips.

Qin watches while hitting this barrier with everything she has, Harriets hair is now even more golden as she now looks like she is twenty years old.

" ahh haah" Tai moans out as she releases inside Harriets mouth who swallows and licks every drop, she raises up taking Tais lips and turns around leaning her back against Tais front staring at Qin.

" Tsk Tsk really Qin this is being to greedy keeping her all to yourself, Tai I want you inside me now" Harriet said as she feels Tai trying to fight back and she laughs at her, Tai pulls up her dress then slides inside of her from behind.

" MMM HAAH OHHH so good " Harriet moans out while Tai is thrusting in and out of her, she leans her head back with a smile on her face and Tai kneading her breast.

" OHHH FUCK HAAH MHMM AHNNN" Harriet moans out while she starts to shake with her legs getting weak, she pulls away from Tai who drops down to her knees and is so weak she can barely raise her head. Qin falls to her knees while her hand is pressed to the barrier with tears running down her cheeks, she feels weak and useless seeing her lover in this state.

" I love you Tai...please fight her don't let her win Tai " Qin said hitting the barrier, Harriet starts laughing and then glares down at Qin and Tai shakily raises her head looking into Qins eyes.

" impossible " Harriet hisses laying her hand on Tais head that started glowing purple, her eyes roll back in her head.

" stop you'll kill her " Qin shouted backing away from the barrier throwing large lava balls at the barrier that would splash on the dungeon walls melting everything it touches.

" I'll give you my life " Qin said with a shaky breath, Harriet let's go of Tai letting her fall down to the floor and Harriet smiles.

" you'll submit to me right now if I let her live" Harriet said staring daggers at Qin who nods her head yes, Tais body started slightly glowing red and pulsating black light from her.

Qin bites the tip of her finger and a blinding red light fills the room as Harriet was pinned against the barrier with her feet dangling while gasping for air and no matter how much she struggled she couldn't get Tai off of her. Harriets glowing eyes started to fade and the barrier falls as Tai drops Harriets unconscious body on the floor, Tai snaps her head over at Qin who for the first time feared the demon in front of her and within a second Tai had Qin pinned against the concrete wall sniffing her neck as a chirp came from Tais throat as she licks up Qins neck and cheek.

" it's ok Tai ahhh" Qin said as Tai Rips her dress open making Qin gasp, she caresses Tais cheek and tries to calm herself down.

Qin pushes her body against Tais and takes her clawed hand over her breast, Qins hand drops down to Tais member as she uses a water spell to clean her first and clean Harriet from it before she starts stroking her.

Tai pulls Qin to the floor on all fours as she gets behind her and pushes inside of her thrusting in and out of her harshly mating with her, Tai starts to calm down with her thrusts and tenderly pulls her up to where they are both on their knees while Tais long claws disappear.

Qin felt the slow loving thrusts now while Tai bites into Qins neck, she takes her hand rubbing circles on her clit while she thrusts in and out of Qin lovingly.

" AHHH HAAH AHHNNN Tai " Qin moans out with Tai as they both climax Qin leans back into Tais arms, Tai kisses the side of Qins head as she pulls out a robe from her storage and takes off the pieces of Qins torn dress then wraps the robe around her.

" I love you" Tai whispered in Qins ears who quickly turns then smiles at her then kisses her passionately and hugs her tightly.

" I love you " Qin said while her eyes teared up, when they stood up Qin hisses in pain as Tai quickly heals her and then kisses her again.

" what do we do with her" Tai said walking over to Harriet, Qin stares down at her mothers sister and looks over at Tai.

" bring her with us, my mother was working on a domain that like a cell where nothing can escape from it unless we want to release them, with your power it should hold her " Qin said as Tai throws the woman over her shoulder as they walk back in the castle.

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