
Chapter 100

Tai woke up when Lo kept trying to get out from her arms, the smaller girl couldn't get Tais arms from around her waist.

Lady night Tai kept dreaming of Emilia, Elvenia, Len, Kel and even Ari and she just wanted to hurry home to them. She also worried if they were all safe, even her other mates were on her mind.

(' I haven't seen Fina the dark elf in a while, I hope that she is ok') Tai thought to herself as she watched Lo stretch.

" we'll head along this cliff, there should be a small village up ahead that we can relax at then meet the rest to head back to your realm" Lo said with a sad expression as they walked along the cliff, a couple hours later they seen a few huts ahead.

At first glance everything seemed fine, there was a few men standing around the entrance and when Lo was about to speak out to the men. Tai grabs her then covers her mouth as she hides them inside a few bushes, they both watch the three men's bodies jerking with wierd movements and they watched a couple of other villagers returning from a successful hunt.

" Armen I thought you were tending to the fields today" One of the men said as he placed down a Lava boar on the ground as the three men started slowly surrounding the two hunters. Two of them grabs the bigger male while the other one grabs the smaller one, both their eyes go wide when they see one of the males open his mouth.

A large round worm came out of his mouth as it went into the other man's ear, the smaller man pulled out a dagger then stabs the man holding him and he runs away with the three men chasing him.

Tai quickly walks over to the man who is convulsing on the ground, she then looks in the village to see it completely empty. Lo bends down over the man, Tai jerks her away from him and pulls out a rope then ties him up.

" it's a parasite, do not get close to them and we'll sneak around the village by the tree line" Tai said as she pulls the man into some bushes, they make their way into the trees behind the huts and see several villagers of different ages,sex and they were acting like the three they seen.

Tai heard some whimpers coming from a few bushes a few feet from them and slowly makes her way over finding a few women and children of different ages.

" it's ok we're not going to hurt you, follow us and keep quiet" Lo said as she watches the huts on her right, Tai leads them deeper into the brush and trees to where she could still watch the village.

" Lo maybe you should lead them away and wait for me to try to find more survivors" Tai said as a woman with dark wheat skin with hazel eyes, she looked to be eighteen or so. The girl was a beauty, she grabs Tai by her hand then shakes her head no, Tai couldn't help to comfort her when she seen tears slide down her cheek.

The girl sobbed into Tais shoulder then weakly pulls away from her and then holds her hand.

" My name is Tulula, if there is survivors they'd be hiding in the main hut that is built from logs and if those things are going into that...I don't think there will be survivors unless they happened to hide like we did" Tulula said as she held on tightly to Tais hand.

" it's going to be ok, I'll just look around from outside the village and see what I find,....Lo have you heard of these parasites before" Tai asked as she calmed the girl down to let go of her hand.

Lo was biting her lip as she started to think of the different parasites that's on this Island and then shook her head no. Tulula turned her head toward the village when she heard several bird calls as she made a call back and then over a dozen answered her.

" I'll go with you, while your friend can lead them straight toward the river" Tulula said as she pulls out a long machete and then hands it over to one of the girls that is her age. Tai pulls open her Inventory then hands out several short swords, daggers and a couple of bows with quivers full of arrows to the ones who were old enough to use a weapon.

" our elder had us mining a cave that was full of crystals, at first a couple of workers became ill then more became like those ones that are currently in the village now. They found weird looking crystals that were small as pearls, but they were eggs and some were still alive and after they infected the first few was when they used them as hosts for thousands of the parasites " Tulula said as she was drawing out a map for Lo to use so she could find the hidden boats that she hid a couple days earlier, she was deadset on going with Tai.

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