
Chapter 58

Lillian waits patiently for Len to get dressed, she motions for her to follow and jumps down from the tree.

" if you choose to keep that fertilized egg, she'll leave you behind. You need to circulate the energy and I have a dual cultivation method for all of you to step up" Lillian said while walking next to Len, she hated making her choose to not have a baby. Lens eyes water up, she sighs and nods her head in agreement.

Lillian hugs her then walks back toward the camp, Len hold her stomach and uses her Qi to circulate the energy in her body. Tears fall down her cheek, when Tai asked her, she wanted to give her a child.

" I'm sorry Tai, but I want to be by your side" Len said to herself, her ears were bent back on her head and her tail was tucked in between her legs.

(" why do I have ears and tail now") she thought to herself while touching both, she goes over to the table. Emilia smiles at her and points to a chair, Cindy stared at Len and suddenly pulled her into a hug.

Cindy glared at Tai, a low growl comes from her and Emilia patted her head.

" Eat Len you need your strength " Emilia said putting a plate in front of her, Len really doesn't have a appetite and forces own some eggs.

" I need to shower" Len said while quickly walking by them, Tai grabs her hand and Len stood there.

" I'll be right back, finish your breakfast " Len said, she gently shakes off Tais grip and quickly makes her way into the cave. Tai was about to run after her and Lillian grabs her shoulder.

" stay, we need to talk about you and your mates cultivating together, I've already assessed your realms. Wei will help you all train, you must get stronger and you know how deadly some tribulations can be" Lillian said while looking at Una, she blushes under Lillians glare and Emilia kept glancing back to the cave.

(" something is tearing Len up, I need to speak with her and maybe Cindy can help me break down this wall she has put up.") Emilia thought to herself, she looks over at Tai staring at the cave as well.

Mandy runs over hugging Kel, and grabs a plate from Emilia.

" we totally have enough cores to level every one up" Mandy said, she with Lil to collect magical beast cores and only return this morning. She has been staying in theother camp with Lil to report any suspicious behavior with the ones they hired.

Emilia walks behind Tai and leans down and kisses her lips, Tai smiles at her. Cindy is now staring daggers at her, Lillian smiles at everyone.

" ok get ready we will be sparring today, so I can see what your good at and what can approve" Lillian said while taking Unas hand, she pulls her away from everyone and Lillian hugs her waist. Carra walks over hugging them both, then Wei and Mao walk over to them.

" Lillian have you talked with Evelyn lately" Wei asked while Lillian glared at him, she kisses Una and Carra.

" I have and next week we will be going to her kingdom and my Nico twins will meet us there, Tai will marry one of her daughters as the agreement between Evelyn's husband was made." Lillian said while sadness was evident in her face, una changed the subject.

" we still have to speak with Tai, it's not something we cannot avoid and even though Evelyn said she would help Lillian at the time, her husband was not as understanding" Una said.

Lillian walks away from them, she goes over and sits down by Cindy.

" hello little one, what is your deal with my daughter" Lillian said while tapping Cindy's nose with her finger, Emilia was about to speak and Lillian held her hand up.

Cindy swallowed hard while nervously playing with her fingers, Lillian grabs her hand and gives a sweet smile.

" we are a family now, you can always speak with me and I'll always be here for you" Lillian said, She could tell that both this girl and Len have had a terrible life.

(" I was an ass to the girl earlier, but I know right now it will be to much if there is a child and she won't live.") Lillian thought as a flash back hit her, she gripped the table and the wood started to splinter.

Lens situation affected her more than she thought, a memory of the dungeon she was in for years came to her mind. She gave birth one night, but the baby didn't make it for the condition she was in.

" Baby snap out of it, we're here with you " Una said, Lillians eyes were glazed over and she was out of it.

" my children——" Lillian said, Tai quickly goes to her side and hugs her and looks up to Una with questioning eyes.

"mom it's ok" Tai said while cooing her mother, she still doesn't have all her memories and seeing her mother so broken right now, anger was radiating through her body.

" come, let's take a nap" Carra said, Una picks Lillian up by her thighs and starts walking over to the cave. Lillian locked her ankles behind her back and lays her face in the crook of Unas neck.

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