
chapter 17 Elf slaves

(Tais pov)

I wake up noticing we slept through what was left of the day as I look over to Emilia sleeping with a smile on her face, I brush a few hairs that was across her face and tuck them behind her ear. I quietly get up to go restart our campfire and to fry some steaks for us. Im craving meat for some reason, I pull out some stuff to dice potatoes, mushrooms and onions up to fry.

I put the steaks on the skillet then I stare at the bloody meat that's frying in the pan and seeing the meat makes me salivate, I shake out of my daze when I hear a branch break a few feet over behind a cluster of some bushes and trees. I pull out my sword and quietly walk over to hide my body behind one of the trees, my eyes widen when I see a girl laying against the tree with white hair soaked in blood.

I quickly made my way over to her and pick her up in a bridal carry making my way back into our camps barrier, I shot inside the tent placing her gently on the foot of the bed.

" Emilia wake up I found this girl in the forest " I said and emilia glances over to the girl, rushing up she does a healing spell on the girls gash on her head.

The girls eyes shoot open while looking everywhere with fear in her eyes, Emilia grabs her and coos at her to calm the girl down also rubbing calming circles on her back.

" No there are men who are after me they'll hurt me again and they might hurt you for helping me" the girl said in a hushed voice

She stares at me then grabs my hand pulling herself up to me hugging me tightly.

I cant help to feel a pull to this woman I also noticed my heart has speeding up since I layed eyes on her, I bring her over to the bed sitting down with her she climbs onto my lap straddling me while she sobs.

"How many men are there" I ask hugging her to me, she nods her head then looks me in my eyes and i accidentally let out a growl As her eyes kept shooting from my lips to my eyes, I can tell shes in shock and stop my questions.

I use a spell to put her to sleep because I kept feeling a tingle that drove my instincts crazy with lust and I could tell if i kept us like this it was going to happen, I lay her down on the bedding then cover her up.

We both exit the tent I could feel others around us as I gave Emilia a look letting her know something is wrong, she walks over taking the food off the fire and resting it on top of a make shift table I set up.

I mutter a spell under my breath reinforcing the barrier then pulled out my bow and sword setting them down by the log.

Emilia does the same as she also takes out some runes drawn on paper and they float up, then dissolve in the barrier.

I see a man walk out in black armor holding up his hands on both sides of his head, he slowly walks closer to our camp and his eyes are darting around then trying to look in the tent.

" DO NOT COME CLOSER" I SHOUT and pull my bow back aiming at him, making him stop where he stands.

" baby get in the tent with the others" I said while I glanced at her then back to this man, I watch her stand at the tent but not enter as she raises her bow aiming at him too.

" why do you come to our camp and what's your name " I calmly ask

(' that armor look like those brothers armor') I thought to myself as I smirk not able to hide it.

" actually I've lost a prisoner that is dangerous and my name is Smith" he said with a smirk and I could see the resemblance of his sons in him as I look t him, even their demeanor is alike.

" a prisoner lost has nothing to do with us or this camp" I said and the heat in my chest started to burn.

The man takes a step forward again i guess trying to test the water, I shoot an arrow at the tip of his foot sure enough he stepped back.

" I'm sure you know being women out here and beastly elf running around is dangerous sweetheart, you would need a man around to keep you both safe" he said with a smirk.

I lower my bow and giggle, he looked confused but then started to laugh with me. I watch him take a step closer and I get a serious look on my face.

" I sure in the hell need no man for anything not even in the bedroom department" I said with anger flashing across my face.

I walk closer to him, standing at the edge of the barrier, then glance behind him then shake my head in disappointment, ( men I cant stand them) I thought to myself.

" why dont you have the rest of your men step out and not just the ones behind you, the whole group. Eh.....the ones you left further back I'll deal with later" I said

He whistles a tune and I watch four men come out behind him, Also at the sides two groups of four came out with their bows aimed at us.

" well let us in I won't hurt you.....much" he said with a wide smile on his face.

" hmm you think with this that I'm scared of you" I said

Looking between the three groups, I watch him raise his hand shooting a fireball at me, making me laugh at the man. The fireball dissipates when it hits the barrier, a flash of lightning went off at the spot it hit and then he furrowed his brows in disappointment.

" I think that I know your son....hmm....Sua and his older brother, I really don't remember his name" I said

The man raised his left brow looking at me and tests the water.

" well since your friends with him, I won't bother you and I only want to check to see if the elf is here.

I stare at him as anger rises in my chest and I feel my demons anger rising, one word keeps repeating in my head since I met the elf ('mate') over and over. I instantly get pissed when he talks about her being his prisoner, I'll kill all of them tonight.

" I gave you a chance to leave but I don't think I'll let you now, your all pieces of shit" I said with a deep voice as a cold air surrounded the area.

I mumbled a fire spell and my dark magic seeped out into the arrow with the fire spell, started to glow a black and red color. I shot th arrow in between the four of them making sure not to kill Smith, I want his soul and for him to suffer.

The arrow hits one man in the chest and then a explosion blows him into pieces, the other men get thrown away. I pull another arrow out and mumble a ice spell and push out my demonic dark energy into the arrow. I shoot the arrow at the group on the left hitting the man in the chest, ice engulfed all four men in a giant chunk of ice.

The group on the right ran over to Smith and the other three men on the ground, one was missing his lower leg. The other man died from the explosion hit his chest cavity he layed there bleeding out slowly dying, while the first one I hit was in pieces.

When the men grabbed Smith and the man with his leg missing, I quickly fired two arrows hitting the man without a leg and the one who is carrying him in the head. I watch he two bodies hit the ground, I turn looking at Emilia.

" Emilia go inside the tent now and wake her up, but stay in the tent" I said as my demonic aura was flooding out and I directed it to smith, but I could see it affecting Emilia as she struggled to go in the tent.

I walk outside the barrier as the men try to run away, but only Smith manages to get away. I shoot out black tendrils from my hands that get ahold of the three men. I sink them into their skin and quickly drain their life force from them. I watch Smith run toward the waterfalls direction, I say a tracking spell to not lose him.

I shoot out fire from my hands that engulf the three bodies and when I slowly turn around, I noticed Emilia and the woman watching me.

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