
Eastside High.

Sophia stood before the large and grimly ornate gate of Eastside high which in all it's generosity has never failed to dampen her mood since her first day of schooling there. The repressive feeling it gave reminded her why she never looked forward to school mornings. 

Maybe it wasn't school she hated, but Eastside high with it's pretencious glamor and extravagant structures towering over her like the tower of babel with it's faint victorian touches, and it's league of overly pampered brats called students — students who made her life a living hell, and made wish she hadn't gone there in the first place.

Eastside high was the most prestigious school in the city which was deemed worthy only to be attended by the elite and privileged teenagers of society, a society she wasn't part of and that had made her the ugly taint of this prestigious school.

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