

I quickly retreated behind cover to observe the situation, immediately focusing on the footage the pigeon drone sent directly into my brain.

'That should be Killer Croc...' I quickly identified the humanoid lizard chasing behind Robin, who had probably seen better days, judging by how tattered and stained his costume looked and the grime covering his face.

'And who the hell is that...?' I wondered, moving the pigeon to hover above a nearby building for a closer look at the feminine, blonde figure climbing into its roof.

'Harley Fucking Quin...' I felt my eyes twitch as I watched the deranged villainess climb onto the roof, sit on the ledge and playfully flail her legs like she was enjoying the show with a big smile splitting her face.

She probably had something to do with how miserable Robin's current situation if the big grin splitting her face and how much she seemed to be enjoying the show was anything to go by.

I turned my attention to Robin and Killer Croc and frowned as the former took his Batgrapple, trying to swing away with the humanoid lizard hot on his trail, spouting curses and counting the numerous ways he'd kill and eat the boy wonder.

Whelp, this has nothing to do with me. Robin would probably be able to get off this on his own, and even if he didn't, who was I to deny an honest, god-fearing crocodile of his meal?

'Yup, this has nothing to do with me... unless Robin somehow leads Croc to the warehouse full of homeless people...' I mused as I turned to leave, suddenly feeling hesitant, causing me to halt my steps as realization dawned on me.

Of course, he'd lead them there. Why wouldn't he? It was a supposedly abandoned warehouse with no one living there. It would make sense to lead Croc there because there wouldn't be a risk of endangering civilians.

'But people are living there, decent people who were willing to share what little they had with me...' I froze, standing rooted in the ground as another realization dawned on me.

'The fucking convenience of it all...' I couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh as I equipped my mask, steel wire, and bulletproof coat.

There I was, standing in front of one of the precious few places I tolerated in this city, watching a supposed hero lead an angry, bloodthirsty cannibal towards the people living there, people I've connected with, albeit slightly.

[Quest initiated: WHAT ARE THOSE?!]



Killer Croc is a giant, terrifying crocodile-human hybrid with the ability to burst through brick walls and chew through steel, and he has a particular fondness for eating people.

And now, you have to kick his ass before he eats your homeless buddies!

Good luck!

Objective: defeat Killer Croc

Rewards: [random equipment]

[Accept Quest? Yes/No]

'It felt too much like a sudden twist in a story...' I gritted my teeth, sprinting towards the warehouse as Robin did the expected and made a sharp turn towards it, with Killer Croc following behind him.

The situation would probably end in some homeless people dying as a lesson for Robin, so he would stop being reckless or something along those lines.

Worse yet, it could be a lesson for me.

"Not on my fucking watch!" I exclaimed as I increased my speed, barely catching up to Killer Croc and cutting him off from the side with a shoulder tackle.

I put my hand on his face and sent every volt of electricity my coat could muster at this close proximity directly into his head, reaching my other hand towards his eyes. Killer Croc screamed in pain, smoke coming out of his head, but he quickly punched me away before I could take his eyes.

I winced as I turned my body in the air and landed with a roll on the street, holding my aching rips. Luckily, it didn't feel like Croc managed to break anything.

"Who the hell are you?!" Killer Croc exclaimed with a low growl, snarling and showcasing his sharp teeth as he got up, his slit, reptilian eyes glaring murder into mine.

Not in the mood to mince words, I didn't reply and charged at Killer Croc, my metal wire slithering under my clothes. The lizard met my charge with a swipe of his arm, aiming to send my head flying off my neck.

I ducked and slid under his arm, raising my hand and sending the metal wire flying at his armpit since it was probably the softest spot in his body other than his eyes.

The wire connected, drawing a spray of blood as Killer Croc howled in agony, his eyes turning red as he looked at me. He tried to stomp me into the ground with his foot, but I wrapped the wire around his leg and used it as leverage to pull myself and slide away.

However, I didn't get any breathing room as Killer Croc leaped into the air, aiming to crush me with his feet into the ground. My eyes widened under the mask, and I quickly rolled to the side to dodge.

He landed next to my head, crushing the asphalt floor and sending shards flying everywhere. I quickly rolled onto my back and sent my wire flying towards the lizard's eye.

Killer Croc managed to catch the wire before it reached his face, which was a mistake since I immediately channeled electricity through it, forcing him to let go.

I whipped at his chest with the wire and kicked his nether regions as leverage, sliding back on the wet ground and pushing myself up with a hasty backflip.

Looking at this scene, Croc impatiently growled and charged toward me, his sharp claws ominously shining as he regarded me with a murderous look that spoke of his annoyance.

However, he didn't run far before several projectiles came flying from behind, exploding on his back and making him stagger. I took advantage of his distraction as he turned to see what hit him, brandishing my wire to the side.

The steel wire quickly solidified in my hand, its tip compressing and turning into a thin blade as I jumped to compensate for my lack of height, aiming for the back of Croc's head, the top of his protruding spinal cord to be more specific.

I swung, and the wire connected, but I couldn't cut through his scales, making me frown as I loosened the wire and wrapped it around his neck instead.

If a kick in the balls and downright debilitating blow to the spinal cord wouldn't work, I'll have to choke and electrocute him to sleep or death, whichever comes first.

Killer Croc roared in frustration and pain as I tightened the wire around his neck and started channeling electricity while Robin continued to throw everything he had at the lizard.

I wiggled around Killer Croc's massive back, pulling at the wire and dodging around as he tried to reach behind and grab me.

Unfortunately, I couldn't hold on for long as the lizard's endurance won him the day, and he managed to catch my leg and fling me into the ground, driving all the air out of my lungs.

I gasped as I stored the wire into my inventory before the lizard could rip it right off my spine when I saw him catch it with his hand. I could have channeled electricity into it, but the pissed-off look on Croc's face told me he wouldn't let go this time, no matter what, so I refrained.

However, that still left me out of breath, heaving on my back on the ground with a dislocated ankle and a pissed-off dinosaur, looking at me like I was some tasty morsel he would have after a light candle-lit dinner.

'No other choice but to go full power... this is gonna sting...' I internally sighed as I raised my hand, channeling every bit of electricity into my gloves and preparing to fry Killer Croc to death with a full-powered electric blast, gritting my teeth and bracing for the incoming pain.


Harley grinned, clapping and jerking her body up and down in excitement as she watched the fight below. She couldn't believe how perfectly things went, even though things didn't go as she had precisely planned.

The Bat was busy with League business, and whatever little time he had for Gotham, he and his sidekicks spent it tracking down and capturing the dangerous escaped inmates that Bane had released.

She took advantage of that, performing several low-profile robberies and letting out some steam. But she quickly grew bored with that and decided to do something more fun, and that's when she heard about Robin going on a rampage of his own in the sewers, looking for Killer Croc.

It took her all of one day to realize Robin's plan after some observation, and so she waited for the boy wonder to go out to lure Killer Croc before she sneaked into the ambush site and swiped it clean.

And just like that, she had an excellent show to go with her snack, but things only seemed to get better from there when a man in a mask came charging at Killer Croc.

It took her no more than two seconds to recognize the steel wire and connect the masked man with the one who caused a scene at Selina's nightclub a week ago.

Harley had already forgotten about Gray, and the only reason she was interested in him then was because she was bored out of her mind after being cooped up in Selina's penthouse for so long.

But looking at how vicious Gray was with his attacks and how he moved not only reminded her of him, and even created an impression as well, unfortunately, for him.

"Holee-Clusterfolee, best friggin' idea! Ever!" Harley exclaimed in excitement, a wide grin splitting her face as she threw a piece of popcorn into her mouth.


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