
Chapter 190 | Done!

"The script and the final sequences… Done!"

"Casting… Done!"

"Budgeting… There is some stuff to discuss, yet!"

"Murphy, the storyboards and the shot list would be done in two days, so reschedule the meeting with the production crew for now. Also, keep an eye on the production designs and the locations I requested," Ian said while tapping on the screen which Murphy who sat in front of him followed.

Murphy nodded along and kept typing things on his touchpad.

It was 10.31 in the morning, and just like the past several days, Ian had been working hard and thoroughly to get things done and started with The Fast and Furious movie.

"Ms. Raelynn scheduled a meeting at 1 pm today, after lunch. Confirm?" Murphy asked with curious eyes to which Ian nodded.

"Raelynn, when you're coming to the office, bring the final report of Ferris Bueller's Day Off. With the budgeting, and everything. Is it possible?" Ian asked through the intercom.

"Oh yes, sure." her voice came back for which he nodded without a response.

The demand for her had increased immensely with the movie released.

After Ferris Bueller's Day Off got released, people who were aware of the new director had been questioning and requesting her appearance in the movies as she looked to be cut out to be on the screen.

Nevertheless, the job she did with the movie made the reputation of the Renner Studio raise more considering how well it was technical-wise and acting-wise.

Ian couldn't help but feel challenged even with the feelings he had for her.

"Alright, Murphy. See ya around then."

Murphy walked out of the office room, and Ian opened the laptop considering he'd be free for some more hours before Raelynn would pop in from the door.

He opened the script of The Fast and Furious movie. It was just the first movie, and technically there were a lot of sequels after the first one. Ian was quite proud of choosing this movie after so many rom-coms.

In his real world, Fast and Furious is a media franchise centered on a series of action films that are largely concerned with street racing, heists, spies, and family. The franchise also includes short films, a television series, live shows, toys, video games, and theme park attractions. It is distributed by Universal Pictures.

With a budget of just thirty-eight million dollars, they successfully made around two-hundred and seven million dollars considering how popular it got. The movie also succeeded to rank at the top at the box office for how good it was.

The first movie being just the base to the other movies in the same franchise, it became a hit that was untouchable when it reached the seventh movie, which basically made the most money and gained the most fame when compared to all the movies in the franchise.

"Mr. Renner, there's a lady— an actress named Carrie Rich waiting to meet you. She is saying that you've asked for an appointment."

The voice from the intercom gave me goosebumps for Ian.

'She is finally here'

[At Carrie Rich's Apartment - France]

"Did you say you were an actress?" Ian asked, having something in mind.

Carrie looked confused by his question, and she had mentioned that she was an actress.

"Yes, I'm. How else do you think I found who you are? Also, I have got a question, how in heaven that no one… No one recognized you?" she asked and shrugged.

"I saw you right away, and was like… Hi Ian! My life savior!"

"Life savior huh?" Ian's lips curled up into a smile. "Why would you think I'd save your life?" he asked back, equally interested in what she had to say.

"Well, I practically saved your life without you being drunk and dead in that club…" She laughed at her own words. "Just kidding, but yes. Mr. Renner, I've been trying to get up on my feet in the career for so long, but well, it just keeps getting harder and harder.."

"What do you mean?" Ian asked, noticing the unusual tone in her voice.

"Don't you know… Just the normal things in Hollywood. You try a role, the director tries to get in bed with the actress, and in the end, either you fuck the director or you go in empty hands. No matter how much I'm open to casual… You know, sex. I'm not going to trade my skills for my body."

Her words made Ian nod in understanding. It was true and was normal. The majority of the directors, producers, and men in high places wanted women to satisfy them just so that they could get themselves roles and show their skills—climb their route in their careers.

Some actresses, who want the role and the career desperately, agree without thinking more, but also there are actresses and people like Carrie Rich who completely say 'no' to what they request.

In Ian's situation, things were different. He had no policy of, 'you sleep = your role'. He always tends to look for the skills, and if the actress is eager enough to get in bed, with consent he moves forward with it considering there was nothing holding them back. Just two people attracted to each other.

Which was also why Ian respected the woman in front of him.

"I understand that totally. Well, is your schedule tight these days? I'll be heading back to LA with a movie script, of course. And, I'd love it if you can take part in an audition to see if there's a role that I could fit for you. And trust me, this is not because you asked or helped me, this is simply because I think you've enough passion to go forward as an actress."

"How do you know?" she asked back, with her eyes glistening in hope.

"I can see a passionate woman when I see one—or so people say. So, what do you say?" Ian asked in the end.

"I'm in a shooting at the moment, but as soon as I get back, sure. The first thing I'd do is come find you."

[End of the conversation]

"Please send her in, Murphy. Thanks"

Ian said through the intercom and in the next minute, Carrie Fisher—Carrie Rich is walking inside with a tight smile

"Welcome back to LA! Or should I say, Hollywood?" Ian asked as he walked around the table and went in for a hug.

"Good to see you again, in a much better place than before!" Carrie said with a smile and both of them shifted to the couch in his office. "Also, I have to mention, Ice bowl helps with a morning hangover. I should've offered you some that day," she tsked and shook her head.

"It's alright. I'm glad you came to visit. And yes, let's head straight into business. In my new movie, I think I have the perfect role for you. And to make it much easier, I've seen your acting in 'The Beast', a movie from last year's movie. Phenomenal if anything. So, the role is yours, if you wanna hear more?" Ian asked which made her eyes glisten—the same sparkle he saw the last day he met her.

"I'd love to. Of course. Thank you," She whispered the final words.

The rest of the conversation included them talking about the movie settings and the role Ian had in mind.

From the way Ian had explained the movie, she realized that he himself had figured out every little detail of the movie. That was rare, and she knew why he was special.


On the other end of the office, it was Raelynn's and Niko's offices which were open to what was going on in the open office area.

When there was a beautiful—yes, very beautiful lady who ought to look like an actress -- entered the office lobby, she couldn't help but frown with the pinching in her heart.

'Don't tell me I feel jealous because it's a girl she thought to herself and frowned.

"Hiii, Rae! I brought us for- What on earth are you sneaking on? You creep!" Niko dramatically yelled and put his hand over his heart.

"Yeah, like I have nothing else to do. The girl is kinda hot, so I was checking up on her. Not like you'd see how hot she is, now would ya?" Raelynn asked back, her lips forming into a smile.

"Of course! I find you hot?"

"Nice one, next!"

Their little banter ended when another man entered the working lobby, looking tall, handsome, and everything.

"Who is… That?" Niko asked as soon as he saw the man.

"Now there's something we both can agree on… He. is. Hot!" Raelynn said while smiling from ear to ear.

"Of course, he is. Focus! I've Keith, so nuh-huh!"

Niko turned around as quickly as possible, shaking his head and Raelynn snorted at how dramatic he had been.

"Wow, look at that bicep!" She yelled and muffled the chuckle that was about to escape.

"What?! You are bad… Bad, Rae!" Niko dragged her back to the chair while she was still laughing at his expression.


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