
Luring The Fool To Defeat The Wise

Was it? He did not know. It was his first time eating one.

It was light, crunchy on the outside, and soft in the center and filled with jam. It was too sweet for his taste buds but he found himself nodding again.

The youngster was too close, he could see little follicles of her skin.

"So, eat more. I will bring more snacks for you then." She had a satisfied look of mother hen on her face as she nodded and stood up to bring more of the desserts.

He looked at one in his hands and then at her who was filling the plate to the brim. She was even trying to adjust the space when the food started to fall and his eyes twitched. 

Did she think that he was a pig to each so much before getting slaughtered.

"That is enough! I do need to eat a lot of food since I am going to have a meal with my father later.'' He waved his hands asking her to come closer again when she blinked.

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