
Chapter 265 Reunion with Family (2)

Once Evelyn felt that her sister had calmed down, she unwrapped her wings and took a step back so that they could continue conversing.

"I suppose before we go any further would you mind telling me how you ended up here in the Roost?" Evelyn asked her sister.

"Yes, though it is not really that interesting of a tale."

To start Evelyn's sister had eventually realized that her family was not coming back and that she would have to survive on her own.

Her time after was spent simply wandering around and surviving while growing stronger.

In many ways it was simar to Evelyn's own journey after she had escaped the research facility. Albeit without the worry of human pursuers or having a divine item embedded within her.

As time went on her sister reached the fiend beast rank and moved farther and farther away from their home that was in an area practically devoid of resources.

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