

After finishing the meeting with the other two bestial rulers, the spider queen returned to her territory.

As soon as she entered the Abandoned sea, Nora didn't feel the connection she used to feel with the egg or spiderlings, making her anxious.

The closer Nora got to her den, the more anxious she became, and when she entered her den, she became furious that the halls were devoid of eggs and the spiderling.

'My trump card to erase the Flaming Lions after 100 years has disappeared.'

Even though Nora was angry at the missing eggs and spiderlings, what made her furious was the special egg it created to destroy the Flaming Lions had also disappeared.

'Huh? What? The human devoured all the eggs and the spiderlings?'

As a level 6 supreme beast hero, Nora could hear the word even from hundred kilometers as long as she focused. Hence, she could hear the conversation between the water spiders and Leo.

'The one who spoiled my plans should die.'

Next chapter