
Conflicting Thoughts


Perhaps, deep down, Ninhursag realized this as well, she realized that they were not wrong at all, that what they were doing was the devotion they had for the people of this tribe. Perhaps it was because of what they saw… perhaps because of those traumas that Shade sometimes speaks to my father about, which I sometimes heard about.

When he speaks about the bloodshed, about the lives of countless innocents being discarded for a "greater good", for all those atrocities he saw in the war… I can understand why he doesn't want to repeat them anymore.

Prioritizing to defeat a demon in expense of the life of many, or prioritize the life of the people in expense of losing an ancient artifact?

Any normal person with a hear would choose the last option, and my parents and Aquarina's parents are perhaps the most dedicated persons there are to the people of this world…

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