
Are You Having a Fever?

With Tabit in his arms, Fafnir never wanted to get out of this eutopia. For the whole night, he looked at the little princess who was snuggled in his arms, against his chest. He continued to grin at her, cuddle her, cover her the blanket, and adjusted his body according to her so that when she dozed off to sleep, she didn't feel uncomfortable. And after six long nights in which he was barely himself, Fafnir too went off to sleep. 

Sometime during the night, he woke up, feeling blissful. But why? He peeled open his eyes and found himself holding a cuddly girl in his embrace, in his lap. Stunned, he snapped his eyes at the girl's face that was lolling in the crook of his elbow and he stifled a growl. 

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