
Of Killing His Mate!

The words like 'rejection' came so easily on Mintaka's lips. Rigel couldn't believe it. His parents were not mates and so he knew that no one could understand it better than him or Eltanin. 

"Father is right!" Meissa chirped in. "Didn't you think that Lerna is from the enemy kingdom? What if she is still in touch with Felis? And what if she goes and tells all our secrets to him? Then it will be easy for him to destroy all of Orion and take over. How can you trust someone like her just because she is your mate?" 

Rigel clenched his jaw. "I am not talking to you, Meissa," he growled and once again released his power in a way that she winced. "So stay quiet!" When Meissa visibly shrank, he looked at his father and said, "I have a small proposal," Rigel countered. 

Mintaka stiffened. "What is it?" 

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