

Rigel took a deep breath as he looked incredulously at Tania. The girl had so much power that he was amazed. From what she was, she had grown into a lovely queen. "What is it that you have called us for?" he asked Elatnin. Lerna was sitting next to him. Over the last few days, he was feeling… empty. 

Though Eltanin wasn't saying anything regarding his stay in Orion, Rigel wasn't liking his overstay. He had thought that he could convince his father about his mate, but the old man was adamant on his decision. It was as if Rigel was trying to cut through hard steel. He was angry with himself and he wasn't showing it to Lerna, but he was thinking of ways to go back to his kingdom, his people. 

Eltanin glanced at Lerna who was sitting meekly beside Rigel. He said, "Lerna, I know that what I am going to ask you may not be appropriate, so if you choose not to answer my questions, remember, I have nothing against you." 

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