
Answer Them Honestly

Tania's wing cocooned around him and Eltanin loved the warm feel. He closed his eyes feeling safer, feeling like he wanted to recede in this world. He felt her feathers caressing his arm and his cheek. It was like a balm on his emotionally charged mind. 

She continued, "You don't have to go now. Go tomorrow. Give her time to process what she told you. You too should stay with me. I won't let you go anywhere until you have calmed down." 

He chuckled. He pulled her closer to him and inhaled her scent. It calmed him to a great level. The light caress of the wing and her closeness did the magic. Soon, he went off to sleep. 

When Eltanin woke up, his turned his head to find that Tania was still sleeping on his chest. He pressed a kiss on the crown of her head and she woke up. Tania retracted her wing. She lifted her head to gaze in his dark eyes. "How are you feeling now, love?" she asked, her lips curling up. 

"Better…" he replied. 

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