

The kings tensed further when Eltanin said that it would be his wife who has to decide and not him. They were already informed that their daughters had visited on their own, shamelessly, to the queen and talked about alliances only if they married the Draka King. It was so embarrassing that the kings weren't even able to assess the humiliation they were facing. 

In order to come out of the situation, only one way was left and that was to acknowledge that their daughters were wrong. 

Eridanus said, "We know that the princesses were not in their right, when they approached you to marry King Eltanin. But we apologize for them. Please be kind and release them, Queen Lusitania." 

Lusitania was looking for this opportunity. She knew that these two kings were showing maximum tantrums when it came to allying with her husband. So she smiled. "I have no problem releasing them, but I have a condition. No. Two conditions." 

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