
[Bonus chapter] Frogs

As Tania listened to the two princesses in front of her, pure fury was blooming in her chest. She didn't know but her eyes had turned violet. All her fury transformed into her magic and the next she knew was that something from her chest escaped. It was like a spark that coiled around her hands and curled around her fingers. 

Eri and Petra stared at her with their chests beating wildly. Eri said, "I don't know what you are doing but if I were you, I would be very carefuuuuu—" the next she heard was a "croak." Eri cleared her throat and repeated the word, 'careful', but she heard herself saying "croak, croak." 

Bewildered, she turned to look at Princess Petra and almost leapt back when instead of Petra there was a green frog on the couch, croaking something. "Croak, croak."

Princess Petra or the frog Petra jumped on the couch, her long legs leaving a slimy trail behind. 

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