
[Bonus chapter] Strange Feeling

Eltanin snapped open his eyes. He turned to look at his wife. Her deduction made sense. "This could be a possibility, Tania." 

"Yes, I think it is a high possibility," she said. 

"Oh, by the way, mother and father also reported that Kypho's appearance changed," Eltanin said. 

"So what Ileus said was true," Tania replied. "Even he had that potion before coming back." 

"Yes, he had that potion and Gordon also found an extra bottle in his belongings, which we have seized. Mother will be taking it with her to Storin." 

Tania became excited. "It means that even Menkar must be suffering from withdrawal bouts. There is a chance that he must be seeking for this potion as we talk. In Kypho's case, it took about ten days for him to get back to his original appearance. So don't you think that it would be the same with Menkar?" 

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