
I Am Coming, Tania!

The guard twisted Kypho's fingers and shoved his hand away making him welp. He said, "That ship has sailed now," and kept the bowl of broth in his cell. 

"What do you mean?" Kypho said as he stared with wide eyes at the guard. His mind froze. How did a guard know so much? Maybe, he was playing with him. "You are just a guard," he growled. "Just go and inform the king that I am ready to make a deal. You don't know me, but I am a very important prisoner!" 

Nora giggled from her prison. "No one is important… Jaka was… she died." 

"Fuck your Jaka!" Kypho snapped. 

Nora tilted her head to look at him, anger rising in her chest. She removed her mangled hair and gave him a crazed look. 

Kypho turned to the guard who was leaving. "I demand to see the king now! I am from the Cetus Monastery. If the High Priest comes to know that I am held here, he is going to unleash his wrath and your king is going to pay for it! Menkar is very powerful!" 

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