
Look for the Carriages

Everyone looked in her direction. Ileus's golden eyes burned into hers, as his brows furrowed deeply. 

Anastasia glanced at Ileus and said, "I will also be coming to Draka with you all for a few days. After that I will go back to Draoidh!" 

Ileus's mouth dropped to the floor. "What?" he rasped in a gravelly voice. "What about the kids?" 

Anastasia pursed her lips. She scratched the back of her neck. "I think their father can look after them for those few days." 

A growl escaped his chest. "Woman, you are treading on dangerous grounds here. This wolf never leaves his wife alone, especially when there are so many wolves around. And especially when you are going into a realm that is dominated by werewolves!" He rose to his feet and chewed the last piece of fish angrily. "I will go with you or you are coming with me. The choice is yours." 

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