
Explore My Relationship

The whole family ate food in strange happiness. While Jiada kept talking to Tania and Eltanin, Biham continued to glance at Kinshra. He wondered what her reaction would be when they went back to Pegasii. He was going to make her settle in their old bedroom. He would not go to that bedroom unless invited. Maybe, he would go just for tea or breakfast. If he was lucky, he would steal a kiss from her. Or maybe just a little caress. His face heated up thinking of that and his pants became oddly tight. Damn. He was sitting with his father-in-law and daughter at one side and Kinshra on the other. His heart fluttered with a hundred different scenarios that could occur at Pegasii. Suddenly—

"How long are we going to stay there?" asked Jiada, splashing a cold bucket of ice over Biham's plans. She stabbed a piece of fried salmon with her fork and munched on it languidly, unaware of Biham's glares. 

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