
She Misunderstood Me

Rigel lunged at it with his dagger but in the next moment his scent hit his nostrils and in order to stop himself, he lost his balance, falling over the table. "Fuck you!" he growled. 

Eltanin picked up the flap of the tent and stared at his friend, who was still on the ground. "What are you doing here on the borders of Hydra and Pegasii?" he growled, his lips peeling from his teeth. "Had my spies not seen you loitering on this side, I would have never known! Are you out of your mind? Or is it something that I am missing?" 

"Stop acting like my father!" Rigel snapped at him as he grabbed Eltanin's extended hand to get up. 

"Stop acting like your father?" Eltanin slapped his butt. "Fuck you! I think I should let your father know about it." 

"Get out!" Rigel groaned as he rubbed his buttocks and limped back to his bed. 

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