

In the morning when Tania woke up, her hands went to her side to search for the familiar warmth and scent that she savored for the whole night. She jerked her eyes open when she realized that was alone. Her mood dipped. She had spent the whole night in Eltanin's arms, even though there were only a few hours remaining for the night to end. "I will come to visit you every night, Tania," he had said just before she went off to sleep on his sweet reassurances. 

Tania yawned and stretched her limbs. She turned her gaze to the left and through the gauzy curtains found a group of maids waiting for her. Not used to this kind of a treatment, she woke up with a start and removed her fur. The maids hurried and they immediately gave her sandals to wear before she placed her feet on the ground. "Th— that won't be necessary!" she blurted. 

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