
Here Comes Your Doom

Tania's head fell on his shoulder and she buried her face in the crook of his neck. His hand trailed to her breast and he cupped it. He flicked her nipple and then teased it with his thumb and forefinger. With his other hand, he gripped her buttocks and traced their curves. 

"I want to know everything Morava did with you," he said as she swayed her hips in a silent plea to do more. "And I want to know every detail." 

"I met her for the first time in the dungeons of Pegasii. She didn't do anything…" Tania nibbled his skin on the neck. 

"If you do that, we will not be able to talk at all," he hissed. "I will make you come so hard that you won't be able to walk for the whole night." 

She chuckled. "I will be sleeping for the whole night." 

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