
Greedy Girl

Excitement crept into her chest like a warm sunny day and settled deep in her stomach as she stood between the trees and stared at the first row of tents. Morava was so happy that this was going to be Tania's last day in Pegasii. A day had passed after her mother had discussed the plan with her. 

There were rumors that Eltanin wanted to kill Morava and she was taking a big risk by coming here, but she had Mizvah and a dozen soldiers with her that her mother had arranged for her safety. Just so that the meeting arranged between her and Eltanin wasn't leaked to Biham, she had started a rumor that Morava was sick and wouldn't leave her room. 

"Why hasn't the king attacked us yet?" asked Mizvah as he stared at the tents. "If they attack, Pegasii would be razed, leveled to the ground." His breath was ragged in the cold winter night.

"That's because my father wants to reason with him." 

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