
Beckoning Eather

Flustered, Tania smacked his hand off when he brought it to her gown, her face red like a tomato. Eltanin burst out laughing at his cute little mate. He went to stand in front of her and met her gaze. He brought his hand to her nape and brushed his thumb and fingers on her creamy skin. He remembered that she was so deep in her sleep that when he gave her that little love bite on her breast, she murmured his name and brushed his cheeks. He could even smell her faint arousal in her sleep. She was so vulnerable at that point of time that he pulled her closer to him and tried going off to sleep. Eventually the sleep came after a few hours. 

"How is your translation going?" he asked as if to put her out of her discomfort. Tania's heart thrummed beneath his fingers erratically.

"I don't know…" she replied. "It's as if something inside me wants to break free, but it wouldn't because it doesn't have an anchor." 

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