

Eltanin ran to the bathroom and washed himself. When he came out, dripping in water, Tania gave him a confused look with the jar in her hand. He splotched all the way to her, snatched it from her, closed the lid of the jar and tossed it aside. On second thoughts, he picked up the jar and strode out of the room, muttering about stupid healers, meddlesome demon wolves and vicious womenkind. He threw the jar outside his room's window, lest she got any more ideas. When he went back after changing clothes, she asked, "Are you fine?" she asked. After all, she had helped him a lot, right?

He grunted, "Yes."

"I wanted to ask you a question." 

"Sure," he said. "Ask away." Questions were good. Anything to distract him from what just happened. His erection was still wrapped in ice. 

"Next time when you get that puffiness, will you allow me to massage you? My hands are good!"

Next chapter