Tania placed the glass back on the table and exhaled heavily. "I will have to apologize to him!" She rubbed her neck as she glanced away from the note on the table and looked up at the water on the wall, wondering if she was going to remain trapped in this room until she completed her job. There were tiny fish that swam around like helter-skelters, doing their everyday routine, as the morning light filtered through water and fell onto the floor. From the corner of her eye, she saw something large swimming towards her. It was a woman.
Tania's eyes widened and she rushed to where the woman was. Her auburn hair streamed behind her as she swam. A shudder of surprise ran down her spine and her skin lined with goosebumps, realizing the woman was a mermaid. She was wearing a red leather corset. Her azure tail whipped water behind her in powerful strokes. The woman was stunning. Filtered sunlight cascaded across her pale complexion, enhancing every feature.ย