
Her Gift was Sleeping

Eltanin was halfway back in the corridor when he saw five servants running with trays of food in their hands towards him. Relieved, he took one plate from a servant and started back to his bedchamber. The servant said, "Your Highness, let me take it." He grunted his refusal. He didn't allow the servants to bring the food in, taking the trays himself. Although extremely surprised, the servants didn't have the guts to ask why their king was acting so strangely. The king was used to being served. So, what made him change his mood so drastically? 

As soon as Eltanin entered his room, he took the tray to Tania's room. He noticed that she had worn the baby pink, silk gown and was sitting on the bed. She yawned and looked at him with dreamy eyes, and Eltanin… melted. She yawned like a wee kitten. 

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