
Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)

Author: ssyffix
Ongoing · 1.9M Views
  • 89 Chs
  • 4.3
    41 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)

Read ‘Reborn as Rhaenyra's Twin - (House of the Dragon)’ Online for Free, written by the author ssyffix, This book is a TV Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: A 27 year old struggling artist dies and reborn as Rhaenyra's twin.----***Volume One: SPRING covers 14-ish years of even...


A 27 year old struggling artist dies and reborn as Rhaenyra's twin. ---- ***Volume One: SPRING covers 14-ish years of events before start of House of the Dragon TV show. *** If you don’t care how a new character, Rhaenyra’s twin, affected the story leading up to the TV show, then skip to Volume Two: SUMMER

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :SPRING (Prologue)
Volume 2 :SUMMER


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Author please, I beg of you, have a good update rate, I’m desperate for a actual House of the Dragon fic that updates decently and yours has a great idea.


Slow going, no character development, mc is as incompetent and childish as Naruto, he doesn’t have a backbone, and lastly 90% of this fic is him talking about painting


I ABSSOLUTELY ADORE THIS STORY I HAVE BUT ONE HIMBLE REQUEST AUTHOR.… NO HAREM thats all teheee This story is amazing however I would refrain from havin Alicent as endgame I think many of us adore the angst derived by Alicents betrayal with viserys and may even could be used as a tension point with viserys as he married not only his children’ best friend but someone he knows his son my be have feelings for but chooses her to avoid his responsibilities with the Velaryon Food for thought if you want any of these ideas


suspiciously their are no comments with less that 4 star . there are always people who will dislike or even hate a fic no matter how good it is . for the records this fic isn't that good either it average u can say interesting idea , a somewhat good plot , poor execution and language lack of details .




If friend Nissan also reincarnates, it will spoil the story, I hope something so silly doesn't happen bery gud ............................................


and a fanfic that the more you read the less interesting it becomes, this fanfic doesn't seem like it takes place in the world of the dragon's house


Are you gonna give this fanfic a try? It has a lot of potential. (enjdnjdinwiniendieneudedneuduedneuduedueduednueduedundundneudneudnudneunduenduedn)


I don't know why this had so high ratings.. but the one reason enough to drop this fic that is MC, he is even worse than Japanese Beta, doesn't had a backbone and just keeps talking paintings. Like wt. f


5 stars for that synopsis, and honestly, I haven't read Game Of Thrones or whatever this is, but I'm going to give it a try. You got to write a certain number of words, so I wrote this sentence.


Hands down, this has got the best first chapter I've ever read in a fanfic, it just sucks you in. The main character's shown to be a down to earth guy with a good personality, solid views and the balls to go with em! great introduction! I expect no less quality in the coming chapters


The story is very good, I can assure you that when it comes to character interactions, world interaction, quite good OCs with their own moments, if the spelling errors in this fanfic bother you, there is no, at least that's what I see, different points of view that it interprets the characters very well, this fanfic involves music and art in a fairly decent and good evolution so far it took me two days to read it completely, which is until chapter 89 and the truth is I want to read more, it makes me very curious how As all this develops, the negative point I would give would be the battles, at least from my point of view, they did not manage to excite me very much, but they are well written and the update rate leaves a lot to be desired, but this fanfic is worth reading.


nah i was wrong this truly Is not whort it


Muy buen fanfic en mi opinion y he leido muchos de los cuales pocos se destacan como partiendo por su escritura y su forma de contar y expresar la historia a mi parecer le de realismo y credibilidad no como otros fanfic que lo unico que provocan es verguenza ajena en uno, como por ejemplo chetando al mc de poderes fuera de lugar o con la tan usada basura trama de los multiversos que a mi parecer no hacen mas que ensuciar todo y creando un caos en mundos pero bueno es mi opinion y apresio este fanfic sigue asi autor pues si bien nose si seguiras con este fanfic tu forma de escribir es muy buena y tu gramatica tambien lo es.[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]


Reveal spoiler


Love this book best house of the dragon story out








I didn’t even start reading it, it’s just the synopsis is pure gold. 5/5


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