
Never Again

"I promise. I will become friends with people that are wanting to be ahead in the game but at the same time aren't willing to do horrible things like John and the others. I truly didn't expect them to be that way. I mean who could ever do something like that." Kyle said with extreme disgust as he described his thoughts on those that can murder.

When Jonathan heard this he had conflicting thoughts. On one hand he agrees with Kyle and that those willing to murder others only for their own gain are awful. On the other hand he was still considered as one of those that has murdered someone. So far in the game he had killed multiple with some being by his own hands and while others were due to his influence.

'Am I exactly like those disgusting people?' Jonathan wondered inwardly. He was having trouble accepting what he had done and whether it was truly the right choice or not. While he may not be able to do anything about it now he still wanted to know whether he should act in a similar way in the future.

"What about people that kill the killers?" Jonathan asked with slight nervousness to Kyle. He had no clue why he would ask something like this to Kyle but he decided to do so and waited for his answer with much more nervousness than he thought.

Kyle went into deep thought for a moment considering what Jonathan had said but after another half minute was drained on the clock he came up with his answer, "I think that at the end of the day killers are killers and it will always be that that way. However, those that kill the bad ones aren't as bad as people that kill for the heck of it." Kyle said as he thought about his opinion.

When Jonathan heard what Kyle said he couldn't help but smile inwardly feeling better about himself and his choices so far in the game. He personally didn't have regrets about what he did but he had no idea how it looked from an outside perspective.

"Thanks for that." Jonathan said sincerely with a smile creeping on his face. Kyle nodded back telling him not to worry about it. When this conversation ended Jonathan looked up above him at the timer and saw that there was only 1 minute left before the game ended.

"It looks like it's time for us to make a decision." Jonathan said pointing out the timer above them. Kyle hadn't been looking at it so far so when he looked up and saw it he couldn't help but be surprised at the little amount of time left before the game ended.

"It seems to be that way. I will see you on the other side friend." Kyle said with a genuine smile. Jonathan gave him a genuine smile back as they both reached their hands and pressed the button that they chose.

"I guess we have to wait until the timer ends." Jonathan said after he pressed his button. Even though it seemed like both of them finished with the game and had chosen their answers they were still waiting.

Despite Jonathan talking to Kyle he didn't answer and now had his back turned like at the beginning of the challenge. When Jonathan saw that he couldn't help but become confused when he thought about whether he was sick or something else was happening.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jonathan asked worried as Kyle got on his knees before laying on the ground with his stomach rising and lowering quickly with his hand on his face. It looked like he was almost laughing but Jonathan didn't think that was the case and believed he was about to throw up.

"We should be back with the others soon so don't worry if you throw up in here. We won't be here much longer." Jonathan said trying to reassure the man that he thought was struggling not to puke all over the place.

As the final 10 seconds ticked down on the clock Jonathan tried to rush it as fast as possible that way he could check on his new friend and make sure he was alright. However, it was one of the longest 10 seconds Jonathan had ever experienced, it was almost like everything was in slow motion.


A loud ringing went off in the room and soon after the previous wall that had separated Jonathan and Kyle raised up cutting them off from each other completely. However, before it fully closed cutting each other off Jonathan heard the slightest giggle coming from Kyle.

"Why was he laughing?" Jonathan thought in confusion as he looked at the screens above. The more Jonathan thought about it the more worried he became about the results of this game and sure enough, a screen popped up soon after showing his worst nightmare.

There were two circles on the screen with one on the left and the other on the right. Above each of the circles there was a name and then in the middle it had the decision they made with the button.

Jonathan was left in both shock and anger as he looked at both his and Kyle's choices. On Jonathan's side the middle circle read save while on Kyle's circle it read kill, "IS THIS REALLY HOW I'M GONNA GO OUT?!" Jonathan shouted in a rage as he began bashing on the walls around him trying to get out.

Jonathan beat the walls and anything he could find around him for multiple moments without any luck and the longer time went on the long Jonathan thought his doom was upon him.

As Jonathan went ape mode on everything around him he couldn't help but think of Kyle who deceived him the entire time and even couldn't help himself but laugh when he saw how confident Jonathan was in him that he had changed as a person.

'I will never trust someone like that again.' Jonathan thought with a resolute look on his face.

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