
Chapter 4

"I'm home."


Nothing but the silent and dark halls welcomed him.

She must be working late again. Hmm? Her shoes are here.

"Mom, I'm home!"

Still nothing but silence.

She must have crashed after another long shift. It's all his fault... that bastard.

Kichirou's once warm and welcoming home had turned into a cold and desolate place.

His father had run off with some sly fox that he had met from work and sold their old home in secret, all before leaving his five-year-old son and wife behind him like it was nothing.

And that was when they moved here, a small apartment in a rather questionable part of town. It wasn't like his mother had any other choice, she didn't have enough money for the sudden move and this was the only way to put a roof over Kichirou's head.

It was a two-bedroom—one bath apartment with a kitchen that was built so small they could hardly fit a dining room table for two inside.

His room was the first door on the right side as one would enter the apartment, with a narrow hall leading to the bathroom and his mother's room on the left. Then, just past his room, there was a small living room combined with a tiny kitchen.

Kichirou walked to the kitchen and turned on the light, the dinner table was strangely empty. Normally, his mother would take the effort to make dinner so they could eat together, but tonight that wasn't the case.

Sigh, I'll just make due I guess.

He took a quick glance in the fridge to find something to eat for the night. But to no surprise, there was little to nothing to eat, there wasn't even enough to make a simple rice dish.

Kichirou pulled out his wallet and took a look. His wallet was about as empty as his stomach. He sighed in defeat and began to walk towards his room. But a soft crinkle stopped him in his tracks.


He had stepped on a folded piece of paper.

Huh, it must have fallen from the fridge.

It was most likely from his mother, she had done this a few times before, like if she was going away for the weekend or just staying overnight at the workplace. It typically included the reason why she wasn't going to be home and a reminder for Kichirou not to sleep too late. But she was home already, so what was this note for?

As he turned on the small overhead light on the kitchen table, he noticed that the paper was wrinkled in a few spots, as if it was wet at one point. He unfolded the note.

Kichirou, I'm sorry. Do you still remember what I used to tell you? That life is nothing but a struggle to find a place to rest and be happy. I thought I had found that place when I married your father, but I was lied to again, it was always just a lie, everything was a lie. All those broken promises, it meant nothing to him.

I am so sorry Kichirou, I tried to be strong, I really did, but this damned world just isn't made for everyone. The cruelty, the sadness, the suffering, it's just too much when you aren't around. The angry voice inside my head just won't leave me alone, it never stops calling my name, and today I think I'll answer it.



What the hell is this?!?

He was frozen with fear, every ounce of his body quaked as the note fell from his hands. His heart could not even contemplate its meaning, but in reality, he knew—he had fully understood what it was but refused to accept it.

Her shoes are here… She must be in her room!

With the sudden realization, he bolted down the dark hall and slammed into his mother's bedroom door without slowing a beat. However, the door remained unfazed. Something wasn't right about this, the apartment was old and so were the doors. With his full weight behind a tackle, there was no way that the door wouldn't budge at all.

He took a few steps back and prepared to charge the door once more, but something caught his eye. The small slither of space between the door and the floor revealed a light pouring out of the room. And in that light, he spotted a shadow within, and it was moving.

She's still okay!!! Everything is gonna be okay!!!

With a few careful steps, he was in front of the door once more. His mother was still in there—still okay, there was still time to undo all of this. He pummeled his fist on the door as he called out to his mother: "Mom, please open the door! You don't have to do this! We can figure something out, please!!!"

But there was no reply, and as he stopped for a moment, he noticed the strange silence that enveloped him. Their apartment complex was next to a street filled with nightclubs and restaurants, so even at this hour, he should still be able to hear some obnoxious music off in the distance. But at this very moment, there was no sound—no sign of life, aside from Kichirou himself. As strange as that was, his mother was still the priority here, nothing else mattered.

He raised his voice and called out to her yet again: "Please just open this door, don't leave me!!…"

Kichirou quickly reached in his pocket for his phone, but his hands fumbled in a state of panic and he dropped it.

As Kichirou scrambled to pick up his phone the screen lit up, and his ringtone filled the silent halls, the caller ID showed that it was his mother.

SHE IS STILL OK!!! But then… why was there no response when I knocked on the door and called out to her? Could she have just taken some pills and was about to say her final goodbyes? Or could she be calling me one last time before she hangs herself?

Disturbing thoughts floated in his mind as he simply stood there, watching the phone ring. But after a few rings, he picked up the phone slowly, and answered with a soft voice: "Hello?"

"I'm sorry," a female's voice cried out. It was a familiar voice, but it did not belong to his mother.

Confusion now mixed in with panic as he yelled: "Hello!?!? Who is this?!?! Why do you have my mother's phone!?"

The voice on the other end didn't seem to care, it simply repeated the phrase: "I'm sorry."

The voice was familiar, but he couldn't quite pin down exactly who it belonged to. His mind raced to find a probable explanation. Could this be a family friend that my mother left her phone with? But why would she give them her phone? He couldn't make any sense of this.

The voice on the other end uttered the same phrase once more: "I'm sorry..." And just then, something clicked in Kichirou's head, his heart knew exactly who was on the other end. Tears ran down his face inexplicably as he brought himself to mutter the name: "Miku?"

As if she were waiting for the exact moment of Kichirou's realization, she whsipered: "Goodbye."

Then just like that, the call dropped, and there was nothing left but the sound of an empty line echoing through the halls.

A chill ran down his spine as the air around him froze, leaving him unable to draw breath. He fell to the floor as his legs gave way beneath him.

"Don't go…" He just couldn't bring himself to say those words.

As he crawled into a fetal position, everything vanished. For just a moment, he had forgotten his mother and the suicide note, the only thought that filled him was suffering.

But another sound shot Kichirou right back to his current situation, it was a small creak from the door to his mother's room. The door that was frozen, just moments ago, was opening ever so slowly.

There was only darkness.

Exasperated and out of breath, Kichirou scanned his surroundings, half expecting to see his old bedroom. But there was nothing but the dark silhouettes of a bed and a table beside him.

Kichirou panted heavily.

It was just a dream... nothing more. He repeated those words endlessly in his mind.

It's all too late... Why does it torment me still…?

It seemed as if time itself was frozen as tears streamed down his face. Seconds turned into minutes—into what seemed like hours. How long did he sit alone in that darkness? That, he did not know, for the sense of time has long eluded him.

It wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault.

Was it my fault?

"Oh god," Kichirou nearly choked on those words.

He laid his head onto the sheets as his body crumpled and leaned forward, grasping his shoulders firmly with both arms. He wanted to scream, but instead, he laughed softly.

But he was interrupted by rustling coming from the other side of the room.

He glared towards the window and the bed that laid before it. Miku was sound asleep, at least it appeared that way anyway.

I'm sorry…

Kichirou stood up and stared at her.

Two years have passed, what kind of new life did she lead? Through joy and sadness, with friends and lovers, and through it all he was just someone she used to know.

Much like the previous interruption, she turned in her sleep—this time facing Kichirou—rustling those uncomfortable sheets. The moonlight danced from her hair to her gentle skin.

Without even a thought his hands reached out, but stopped just before he was about to caress her sleeping face.

What the hell was I just about to do?

At that very moment she shuffled around once more, grazing Kichirou's hand as she turned to the other side.

Kichirou froze in place, half expecting her to react to his touch and looming presence. But to his surprise he saw no further movement from Miku. She was a light sleeper, much akin to himself in that matter. It didn't matter how little he moved at night, if he was awake then most likely she was too.

She was fast asleep, still tired after the long day, Kichirou concluded.

Thank god, I need some fresh air.

As silent as the night, he left his room and descended the incredibly creaky stairs. Then, with adequate care to not bump or knock down anything that could disturb the silence, he stumbled across the main dining room towards the front door.

Strangely, the front door wasn't even locked. Better yet, it didn't even have a lock at all.

It was a true testament to the nature of this town. Crime and violence had no place here. The people lived in peace without even a second thought to the dangers of the night. How many people back home could sleep so soundly, knowing that their front door was unlocked and that anyone who bore ill intent could intrude their safe space at any moment? Even though Japan has an extremely low crime rate compared to the rest of the world, Kichirou still couldn't picture it. Yet a place like this existed in a world that was filled with mythical creatures and magic. Could the other cities in this country be just like this one?

But those thoughts were interrupted when he stepped outside, greeted by the cool breeze of the night. The once gloomy and desolate place he saw earlier today had transformed into a picturesque scene, exemplifying the beauty of the night. The balance of light and darkness flirted with the imagination as things faded in and out of the void.

The culprit of this scene was just as beautiful. No, it was shining much more brilliantly, the full moon, surrounded by the clear night sky in all its glory. It was something that a city dweller like Kichirou had never seen in his lifetime, it was simply majestic, a beauty that captivated the soul.

"Having trouble sleeping?" A familiar voice intruded.

Startled by the voice, Kichirou turned to see Ryuta chilling by the door.

"Hmm? Yeah, I just needed some air. By the way Ryuta, what are you doing up at this hour?"

"The same reason as you, there's just a lot on my mind." Ryuta looked up into the night sky and continued: "We got ourselves in quite a pickle this time, haven't we? This strange new place... everyone back home must be worried sick."

Everyone back home…

"Anyways, these days I'm always awake at this hour because of Azumi's cries, to think I'd actually miss her cries…"


"Oh that's right, I guess you didn't know, Azumi's my daughter, she's turning two this year."

"What?! A daughter!?!?"

"Yep, she's quite the handful."

"I haven't seen you in just a few years, and you already have a kid... times sure have changed."

Kichirou was getting close to that age already when everyone is either getting married or having kids, so it shouldn't be too surprising after all. But still, the fact that it had become a reality was shocking on its own.

"Well, we are getting old after all. How about you, still single?"

"There's no need to remind me you know."

"Don't tell me you're still stuck on…" Before he even finished his question he paused and looked at Kichirou.

In an instant, Ryuta could feel the tension in the air, and with the look on Kichirou's souring face, he instantly regretted bringing up the topic. It appears that even after all this time, that subject is still a huge no-no for him, and the mood would be suffocating if it were to not change soon.

"Haha, sorry. Well don't worry about it, tackle life at your own pace."

"Yea... I guess."

Just thinking of the future has become a tiresome act, for their age group that would be quite the common theme. Figuring out life, isn't that the struggle that everyone lives through? However, that all changed in one night. This new world... where would their future lie now? Far too many things were uncertain, it's even more of a headache than before.

"Still... it feels nice to get away for a bit though."


"Ah it's nothing, life's just been rough."

"Tell me about it… but this isn't going to be a vacation you know, odds are we won't be returning home anytime soon, if at all."

"What's with that face?"

"You gotta be more positive! Sometimes the secret to success is so simple that many are blind to it. As they say, we often suffer more in imagination than in reality. Maybe this thing is gonna turn out a lot easier than we expect. We're going to make it home, and get everyone back to where they belong."

Where they belong… home... what's the point of any of that anyway…

"I need to get back as soon as possible. My mother in law would have to take care of Azumi when my wife's at work, I won't hear the end of it when I get home."

If we can even get home that is.

If you expect the worst, then you will never be disappointed, that's how the saying goes anyway. Most people would agree that being such a pessimist would yield nothing but bad results. But in truth, it has little effect on the total outcome, especially when it comes to things that are out of your control. Whether or not they could return to their old lives was probably out of their hands. But then again, that's how life always plays out to be.

His thoughts were spiraling out to a different place, and he noticed that this was the first time he had felt tired since they ended up in this place. Maybe now the sweet relief of sleep could finally take him away.


It was the faintest of noises, yet it was quite distinctive, the slight creaking sound of wooden floors. In the silence of the night, it was fairly audible to Kichirou that someone else was awake and was coming down the stairs, but with enough care to not wake the others.

Ryuta must have heard it as well.

To their surprise, Schnee came sneaking out of the inn, with a look of surprise of her own as she saw the pair standing before her. She was covered in a tattered old cloak, and if not for her eyes and tiny figure, they would not even recognize her. Her getup was strange enough, but for a young girl to be sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night, it would raise the eyebrows of any responsible adult.

"Where do you think you're going at this hour young lady?" Ryuta asked sternly.

Kichirou couldn't help but laugh at those words: "Hahaha, you definitely sound like a dad alright."

In response, the glare he received clearly showed how times have changed, and that it wasn't a good time to make light of things.

"So where are you going?" Ryuta repeated.

Schnee avoided Ryuta's gaze, it was clear that she was uncomfortable with the whole situation.

Ryuta quickly changed his tone, being too harsh on children without a soft side is never the proper way to go about things.

"You can talk to me, where are you going this late?"

The expression on Schnee's face quickly changed as it seemed that she built up enough resolve.

"There's somewhere I need to visit, please don't tell my father about this."

"Whatever it is, it can wait till tomorrow morning. It's too late for a young lady to be going out."

"Please, I really need to go." The puppy eyes she put on would move anyone's heart.


"Fine, but we will have to go with you. And I can't make any promises about not telling your father. Depending on what happens, I may or may not keep my mouth shut okay?"

The image of the man Kichirou once knew was shattered, a caring father took its place.

The nervousness vanished from her face as she replied: "Okay."

"Hah," soft laughter escaped Kichirou as he could no longer contain it. The fact that his old friend had become such a softie was just too surprising. This time Ryuta just ignored him.

"So where are we going?"

"Um, it's on the other side of town, this way."

"Come on Kichirou, let's go."

Guess I'll tag along.

There were just a few people up and about on the streets at this hour—probably shop owners or travelers. Schnee had led them back to the city square, and a few town guards that wore some type of metal armour chatted away before them; they looked up as they saw Kichirou and the others.

Schnee gulped as one of the guards approached the group.

"Where are you lot going at this hour?"

Even for travelers, to be going about at this hour with a child, anyone would find them to be reasonably suspicious. And since the men before them appeared to be guards, there was no way that they would let them go without a few questions.

Still, how would they reply? It's not like Kichirou or Ryuta even knew where they were headed.

Schnee spoke up in their place: "They're employees at my dad's inn, they came to help me run an errand."

"Running an errand at this hour?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

The other two guards also approached the group, sensing that something was going on.

The fact that the little girl spoke freely should have ward off any further suspicion. However, the response she gave didn't hold any water at all. Running an errand for the inn? It's not as if there were any stores open for them to get supplies from at this hour.

One of the approaching guards had a look of surprise as he spoke: "It's you, Zakin's little girl. Did your father send these guys with you?"

Zakin must be quite the trader, even city guards know of his family, a lucky break for us I suppose.

"Mmhmm, we were just headed towards grannies old shop."

"Oh alright then, be careful now, and you two better get her home safe."

"Will do," they replied, as Kichirou gave the man a nod of appreciation.

The question the guard had raised still lingered on his mind.

Just where are we really going?

But before he could venture into more ideas, Schnee answered the question for him.

"It's a small hill on this side of town, it's not too far from here."

On the other side of the great manor of the Debouf family sat a small grassy hill, with a single tree decorating it.

As they got closer to the top, a small silver cross hidden behind the tree came into view. The name embedded into the cross read, Ashel.S.

This must be what Schnee came out here for. Could this be her mother? The way she spoke of her mother before would suggest that to be the case... But that name… haven't I heard of it before? That's right! Lady Ashel, that noble from before. Is Ashel a common name around here?

Schnee took out a small flower and placed it before the cross, tears streamed down her face as she knelt before the grave.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't find the Winter's Blood…"

So it was her mother…

Ryuta knelt down beside her, embraced the broken child, and whispered softly: "It's okay, it's okay."

"I mish her so much," Schnee wailed.

To see another poor child suffer the same fate, what could a child have done to deserve such torment. How cruel life can truly be, yet there are those who would consider this to be all part of the Lord's will, how laughable. What would divine faith do for this child after such suffering, aside from creating another blind follower that is? Still, there was also nothing Kichirou could do to soothe the broken child.

Ryuta appeared to be doing a good enough job since Schnee's loud sobbing had stopped. However, no matter what he had done, it would only be a temporary relief for the poor child.

Scars like these never truly heal, be it a year or ten the pain remains the same.

"Hey! What are you people doing here!?"

It was a man, running up the hill with a lantern.

"We should leave," Schnee whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"We have to go... you don't understand."

She pulled at Ryuta's hands : "We need to go now!"

Why is she so concerned? It's her mother's grave, after all. Why would this be a problem?

"It's fine, I'll handle it," Ryuta assured the child.

As the man ran up to them, they were able to make out his appearance.

He looked like he came straight out of an action film, one of those muscular dummies that the main characters would beat up with ease.

"It's you again?!" The man shouted.

"Excuse me?" Ryuta retorted.

The man ignored him and looked straight at Schnee, who was hiding behind Ryuta at this point.

"How many times do I need to tell you this, little girl, stop coming here! Do you want to cause trouble for your father again? And you two, I don't know who you are, but if you don't want any trouble; you better leave and not come up here ever again."

Problems for her father, so they know this guy?

"Excuse me sir, why do we need to leave? Can't you see it's just a child who's in grief, what's your problem man? Is this area considered private property? I don't see any signs anywhere."

"Now listen here, smart guy. This part of town belongs to the Debouf family, you best leave before you get hurt."

The Debouf family, so does that mean Schnee's mother was also someone from the Debouf family? Could she be family or something to the lady Ashel we saw before? That could explain why she was so upset.

"Really? Well, in that case, I'm not going anywhere."

"Let's just go," Schnee pleaded.

"Listen to the girl, and leave now."

"Ryuta lets just go, we don't wanna cause any trouble for Zakin."

"Hmph fine, let's go."

Kichirou ignored his friend's last remark.

Things aren't adding up here... First of all, if that was her mother's grave, why would she need to sneak out of her house at this hour to visit it? Furthermore, why does she need to keep this from her father? Earlier the man said it would cause him trouble. The Debouf family... just what are they trying to hide?

Lady Ashel…

Kichirou could not get rid of this terrible feeling from the pit of his stomach.

Pondering this any further would not yield anything aside from a headache. He had only met Zakin today, and he's in no place to ask about the poor man's late wife. This was a family affair, and if he wished for it to be disclosed, Zakin would simply tell them.

The man stood watching as the trio finally descended the hill. He muttered: "Good riddance," and headed back to the Debouf manor.

He made his way through an elaborate garden, designed personally by lady Ashel herself.

There are eight total subsections to the garden, each only differentiated by a few accenting pieces, blending together the whole as if it were an elegant painting. The sea of flowers shone brilliantly with streaks of vibrant colors, accompanied by magical luminescent flowers that scattered across the entire garden as well as hung overhead, lighting up the scene like a starry night.

Many flowers are said to have various beneficial effects on the human mind, and this garden—one that uses the combined effects of those flowers, offered a sensation of happiness to anyone who was fortunate enough to visit it.

The man did not believe any of that to be true. However, ever since he was given permission to cross this sacred garden he had felt its effects. His worries would vanish, and his mind would be left clear with a simple feeling of happiness. He couldn't help but feel quite fortunate that he was chosen to serve such a prestigious family. Even now, as the warm breeze blew by, he felt the same feeling engulf him.

He slowed to a halt as he reached the far end of the garden, just before a statue. The Gateway to Heaven, a specially crafted statue ordered by lady Ashel. It was an arching gate, guarded by a grieving angel on the right and a faceless demon to its left. Atop the gate sat the twisted depiction of Ssasarith, the ever so loving god worshiped by the church of Balione, who wore a wicked smile as if to invite lost souls to a new plane of existence.

He held out his hand and reached for the gate, and upon contact, the faceless demon moved as if it had come to life. Its body turned towards the gate and pushed it open for him, revealing a set of stairs leading down. Even after seeing it so many times, the movement still freaked him out. The man knew a bit about magic. However, just like most people, he was inept in the magical arts and had never seen such things before he worked for the Debouf family. Such is the power of magic, to bring life to inanimate objects.

The man held out his lantern as he made his way down. At the end of the path stood another door, he knocked and called out: "I have returned my lord."

He waited in silence until a voice replied: "Come in."

Only then did the man move, he pushed open the door just enough to let himself slide into the room, and entered. What lay before him was a large, dimly lit room filled with bookshelves. Many parchments and manuals were scattered all over the floor, and a man sat in the center of it all.

"Marius, care to explain why have you disturbed me in my studies yet again?"

Marius knelt to the floor before his master, then spoke: "Apologizes my lord. The daughter of Zakin was at the grave again, she was accompanied by two men. They wore strange clothing, and I have never seen them before."

"Is that so? Two unknowns have entered the scene, more players in our little game perhaps?"

"I shall investigate it immediately."

"That is not required at the moment, carry on as planned, they will show their faces sooner or later."

"Yes my lord. Then, I shall take my leave."

As he got up and turned for the door, he froze in place, for what his master had said.

"Oh right, an opportunity shall arise soon, make use of it and rid me of those troublemakers."

Next chapter