
Vampire central

-Lucas pov -

I sat in my office at Queen Consolidated pouring over numerous files and emails. No matter how busy my life is work is always close behind to sink its deadly fangs into my schedule.

Considering the invasion happened not too long ago I'm trying to capitalize on that and introduce a new product line for my company. Though every idea comes up short in some ways. Be it impossible to make or just the fact that it would be useless to mass produce.

As I replied to yet another business email the door to my office opened and my sister walked through.

The first thing I noticed wasn't her new hair, her excitement, nor her rudeness at barging in but the fact she had an overwhelming scent of fresh lemons.

It was honestly grating my nerves just smelling it. Concentrating on my senses I broke from the smell and smelled her normal perfume scent. She most likely is trying for scent-based illusions.

"New perfume?" I asked before she could say anything

She paused for a moment before a bright smile flashed across her face, "yeah, I'm just trying it out! That strong though huh?"

I chuckled, "yeah maybe you were too heavy-handed with the perfume today,"

"Just excited that's all," she replied with a small smirk spreading across her face

If she knew I knew it was all an illusion that smile would drop.

"So what's up?" I asked spinning slightly in my chair to face her

"Just wanted to come by and say hi," she replied shrugging her shoulders while plopping into the chair next to her

I laughed slightly at that, "really?" I asked

"What a girl can't check in on her brother?" she asked with an aggrieved expression

"Most can but you rarely do," I pointed out

"Fine, you got me. Mom and Oliver are in a silent war over the fact he is rarely home," she replied a small frown making its way on her face

"Those two," I shook my head, "they never get to the meat of the situation,"

She laughed at that her frown turning into a smile, "I know and I have to live with that,"

"I couldn't imagine," I replied with a small smirk

"Yeah lucky you. You get to live with ever-silent dembe while I'm with crazy mom and broody ollie," she said lounging back into her chair with an annoyed pout

"Move in with me?" I offered knowing she would turn it down

"No, that would break mom's heart you know that," she replied instantly

I had to hide my smile at the protection she has for her mom's feelings.

"I know," I replied


As my business day wound down Thea already left and now I was just finishing up some last-minute preparations Dembe walked through the door in a cream coffee-colored suit.

"Nice suit," I remarked

"Thanks, you think the others will appreciate it?" he asked I had to fight with myself to stop from laughing

Dembe is such a stoic person but at the same time loves being nice, he dressed like this to visit this 'vampire haven' because he wants to fit in most vampires like to wear expensive classy clothes. It's just a thing we like to do I don't know why.

"I'm sure they aren't going to be mad about you not wearing a suit dembe we are vampires, not fashion designers," I replied shaking my head

"Well I think it looks nice," he mumbled looking at himself in the reflection if the window

"Hahaha, come on let's go," I laughed as we left my office


As the plane landed I looked over to Andrew and Dembe who sat around the circular table with me. Both of their faces filled with concentration much like I imagine mine.

I stilled my conviction.

Dembe made several rapid movements.

Andrew drew a sharp breath looking at his hand.

I calmly, coolly, and sharply mad my move.

I said in a deep cold voice as I faced my foes, "All in,"

"Tsk," Andrew threw his cards on the table

"I fold," he said with a pissed-off tick on top of his forehead

Dembe made a face as if he had just drank holy water, slowly he spat, "Same," and threw his cards on the table

Revealing my cards a victorious smirk played across my lips, "thank you, gentlemen,"

"You had nothing!" Andrew roared with righteousness

"Bitch," I heard Dembe mumble

"Stop whining we landed lets go," I shook my head getting up from my seat

Stepping from the plane I looked around and saw the car that was sent to wait for us, I said once more, "can't believe you guys hide out in Las Vegas,"

"It's a good spot let's go," Andrew repeated once more leading the way to the car

"Can't wait to gamble," I murmured

"Stay focused vampire messiah," Dembe said with a small smirk

"Since when have you been so sassy?" I replied with a confused look

"It's the suit," was all the reply I needed

A suit can change a man.


We pulled into a casino parking lot, and getting out Dembe and I along with Andrew walked inside. I gave Dembe a winning look as we crossed the threshold between the outside world and the world of gambling.

"Sirs right this way," a man in a black suit said

Andrew nodded and followed Dembe and I right behind. We arrived at an elevator getting inside the attendant clicked the penthouse button three times.


We quickly ascended the floors, excited to finally meet our own kind.

- Narrator pov -

While Lucas and Dembe met their own kind on the island where Lucas spent most of his years a peculiar sight could be seen.


Trees were cleared and the foundation was built.

A man could be seen with a blueprint of a giant compound, one that with the natural island tress could be hidden from a birds-eye view.

One that looks like it was built to withstand superhuman individuals.

A small smirk played across the man's lips as he commanded the workers like a conductor.

Everything was going according to the plan.


SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER thanks giving got so hectic with family. Hope everyone that celebrates had a great thanksgiving and Black Friday! So I'm just deciding now how I want the vampire meeting to go, no Xianxia vibe where someone challenge's him lmao.

Also trying to plan out the next arc.

Next chapter