
Reason of rage

"Nao... Nao....!!! "

As soon as got awake from my dramatic 'sickness' and Yuki's drama.

I rushed finding Nao, and lucky to my day, that I found him at last after so much finding...sitting in the basket ball coat all by his sadness in dark but as soon as he saw me approach him, he tend to run away from there too.

I was like 'What, I have been running for you my life and you...?!'

Even if how flaming I was from inside but still, I stayed cooler and formally delivered my words-

"I am not here to disturb you... I am just here to say 'sorry'for earlier and 'thanks' for now... "

But he didn't even reacted to my words like I didn't even existed and continued to pack up his stuffs.

Now, the flame was rusty red burning my formalities!

"What is wrong?! "

even though, we have not known each other any instance just formally but still I screamed as if he is something to him to which he paused and looked at me with one raise eyebrow like then he have got to know someone was in room but then completely ignored-

"I asked something!"

Still ignored...

And he rushed to leave the coat!

Then it was hell!

Anger bubbled inside me and I just started to spit my words without even thinking-

"Are you angry that I told you that I liked you or is it about me and Yuki?!"

Now he statued at the brink of the coat gate, clenching his fist on the door hard and then done a back moment to all the half way to me with his thumping feets and his terrifying rage on his all drawn face-

"You wanna know what is the reason behind my anger?!

then it's okay!

It's you, You are the only reason!"

I chuckled with doubtful anger-

"Excuse me-me?!

Do you even hear yourself?! "

But til then his steps trek to close to me that his warm high speed breath were sticking me and my heart was all on horsepower!

'What was he going to do?! ' I asked myself.

"...I like you, Gingery..."

And in the sudden my heart skipped a beat.

'What seriously?! '

"'Cause You are the cutest, I ever met and my troublemaker, and I love that!"

I was dead for a whole moment!

My mind was numb!

Is this even happening?!

It seem to be a dream that my firstsight love is confessing it which I have been waiting to hear for that whole week!

I couldn't express myself...I was happy-not happy but overwhelmed!

but nothing couldn't come out just a black dreadful confused face is all which he could see and surely was disappointed by that expression.

Suddenly, from the intimacy level, he took a little back with his all sadness rolling back to his face with a little grin-

"...I get it-it's that boy-Yuki! isn't it?! "

Listening to that actually got me into confusing-I was trouble by that thought 'Seriously, Not you too!' also 'You remember his name?! ' plus I was laughing at that to hard abtruptly!

And he looked at me with his puzzled eyes...

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