
So Young But Already So Petty

"Finally…" Jason muttered upon finally reaching the stream.

It had taken him an hour and half worth of travel to finally reach the stream. Glancing at it, he couldn't help but wonder whether some creature was waiting to eat him.

'Better be safe than sorry.' Jason thought while placing his hands in the water.

Lightning ran across his arms, passing straight into the water. Any creature present inside the stream died after experiencing continuous lightning shots. 

Jason removed his shoes and dipped his feet in the water with a satisfied expression. He jumped in the stream a second later.

Since he didn't have any soap, Jason had to clean his body using plain water. He thoroughly put the water all around his body in hopes of eliminating all types of smell produced by his body.

Once he was done, Jason walked out of the water and changed his clothes. 

'Now I have to get some drinking water.' 

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