

"The captain will need to speak with you" Troy informed Amus who was already hurriedly walking away. He clicked his tongue in annoyance at his ignorance and quickly sped up behind him.

"Hey, where the hell are you going? aren't you afraid the General will beat you down again?" Troy started talking to Amus more casually, ignoring his previous hostile behaviour.

"I'm not, I told you already, everything I said was true. I'm going to the captain" Amus snorted.

"Is he really her son? Why after you finish your punishment you bring something back that will make the… Forget the Military, provoke the noble family!" Troy cursed while tailing him. "Hey man, I'm a soldier but I'm still your friend, why don't you learn"

"Fuck off" Amus resorted to his two favourite words, yet Troy yapped constantly.

They reached a door marked with the star of a captain. Before Amus could knock, the door was pulled open and from inside an old man was already glaring at him.

"Why are you here," the man questioned coldly.

"I'm not here to pick a fight, I'm explaining my story"

"You have the nerve to speak to me after all you've done? Troy, Kill that kid, I don't care who he is" The Captain gruffed.

"Killing is a crime" Amus played his Ace card.

"You never cared in the first place, so why should I?!" The captain retorted.

"It's the law and you know it. If you find someone they can get citizenship and become a functioning member of our society. He has nowhere to go, we might as well try, if he passes the morality test then he can stay" Amus reminded.

The Captain looked like he was about to blow a fuse at Amus' explanation. A vein on his head began to bulge at his frustration. "You still need to go through the B.M.A and the Government and your story needs to be fact-checked!"

"I'm fine with that, let's get the test started then," Amus said forcing himself into his office past the captain. The Captain already had a small machine with a sleek design and a palm print for someone to place their fingers.

Amus was long used to the process and started to prepare, sitting hastily down in a leather chair. The office was cold with minimal decoration. Dark oak lined the window frames and made up a large portion of the furniture giving the room a solemn look.

The Captain sat across from him and began the test. With a wicked grin on his face, he started firing questions at Amus. His story was ridiculous to him and he was sure he could exact his revenge on him for wounds of the past, even only an appetizer before the main course.

After some time of relentless questioning about Junya's appearance, the test continuously returned positive. He was telling the truth. A feeling of dread began to consume the captain. He already heard of Amus's return and wanted to exact his revenge by catching him in a blatant lie.

Truth was, the Captain had been dying to kill Amus for what felt like millenniums, but it was proving difficult without a reason. Various other tests were conducted but all signs pointed to the truth and a well-built story.

Amus was secretly glad he never asked the question of where he came from Because he knew it would mean sending him back there.

After a few minutes of revising the information, the man looked at the result and only quelled his rage.

"Fine," He huffed "We will carry out the test. You would still need to bring this matter up with the Government and the B.M.A" The Captain replied.

"That's fine, I just need to borrow your computer"

"Get out!!!" The captain snapped.

Amus wasn't surprised by his answer and avoided trouble by leaving. Outside, he saw Troy still waiting for him.

"You really test the Captain even after you tried killing him back then?" Troy asked "How much are you planning to push his buttons"

"Why are you still following me..."

"What? Has the punishment rotted your brain? We're still friends, Just like at University, Remember? Me you and Alice"

"I need to speak to Alice" Amus selectively heard what he wanted.

"What? Do you remember about Alice and not me? You hate me because I was doing my job?" Troy asked perplexed.

Troy was the lieutenant, seeing anyone talk to him so casually was certainly not a normal sight to see. Amus was well known from a vague memory by many in the community. The odd pairs' interactions lead to ongoing stares.

Although no one yet could put a finger on who Amus was, it would only be a matter of time. Amus knew his presence would get troublesome if news spread.

"I'm going on ahead" Amus' figure disappeared leaving behind a voice.

'How the hell is he that much stronger than me?' Troy spat, realizing he had been left behind. He was always trailing behind him in strength, their altercation at the end of the tunnel made it clear.

"Sigh… It barely even makes sense at this point. He was the strongest C Rate Mobster before he left, he must be stronger now"

Troy muttered before turning away.


Amus located a computer safely locked away from onlookers. He looked to contact someone from the Government via a friendly email. He awaited their response until he received a brisk message from an unknown number, then simultaneously a call.

"Hello Amus, Please say in detail the favour you're requesting"

"Stop playing dumb, you guys have ears on your teeth, you must have heard the news already" Amus sneered.

"If it's regarding, Ms Harriets' son then yes, but how should I know what you want"

"I want to get him citizenship"

"It's not that simple Amus, from what you told us he possesses an unseen blessing. All we really need to form him is to study his blessing and toss him aside, frankly, he possesses more of a risk if his blessing can get out of control"

"I bet your science and research team is dying to find out more"

"What are you getting at"

"Think, have you ever heard of a blessing manifesting out of control?"

There was a dull silence from the other end.

"It's possible for a manifestation to achieve a state as you described. Though it would have to be an extreme case" They replied slowly.

"You're right, Imagine how strong he could be if he trained diligently. He could really be an irreplaceable asset."

"Were not that interested. We already have plenty of potential from the noble families"

'Dammit' Amus cursed, why wouldn't they bite the bate?. "The Wotanbe noble family, would they not care if he dies? He already has family here it wouldn't be difficult for them to take him in" he continued quizzically.

"You're right, but the Wotanbe family disowned his mother, hence he has not affiliated in any way. So, if you're finished, we have a business to attend to"

Amus gritted his teeth even tighter, "What if I do you a favour…."

The phone went silent again until Amus broke the silence.

"I will clear a danger zone per your request. In return, I request that he gets citizenship in Guram, admission into the best University along with accommodations which are available to orphans from the Eve of Chaos"

"Two danger zones" was the smug reply.

"DON'T FUCK WITH ME!" Amus cursed, clenching the phone in his hands, testing its durability.

"It's unfortunate that we could not come toward an agreement-"

"Fine, two." Amus reluctantly gave in.

"Since you agreed, you would need to find a teacher to get Junya to get his manifestation under control. It would be dangerous if it flares up every time he gets angry.

"Now that we've agreed, it would be your next task to find a teacher to keep Junya's little manifestation under control. It would definitely be a risk if it flares up whenever he gets angry.

He does not need to know what happened to his mother, he will learn the truth with age. Not some screwed up misconception that you believe. Please ensure his blessing is recorded for future evidence"

"It's not a god's blessing, I know that much. It makes no difference, Besides he has no legal obligation to tell you" Amus told them.

"He doesn't know that, he will tell us if we ask. We will proceed at Captain Li's discretion based on the results of the Morality test. After that is complete then we will send both his documentation over and school admission "

"Good" Amus hung up the phone by cracking it to nothing. Veins bulged along his neck to head in overwhelming frustration.

"You're just paying back an old debt Amus, that's all."

The Government and the B.M.A had always wanted to get their grubby little fingers on him, considering they weren't able to control him, but he shut down whatever small chance they thought they had.

Amus never dwelled on it though. It wasn't worth his anger. Instead, he briskly left the room and walked to the medical room where Junya would have been.

---- EN: I <3 Grammarly

---AN: Imagine using that

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