
The fox Prince

Someone was singing. It was a man's voice in the forest. They didn't know what the point of all the singing was but they needed to investigate. If it was Stephan's place then the place must have everything he feared and at the same time, he liked, everything he dreamt in his long life. He wondered if his mother was planning for this whole thing but in the end, it wasn't possible. She only left him that will when she possessed the doll.

(No care and no sorrow,

A fig for the morrow!

We'll laugh and be merry,

Sing neigh down derry!)

From afar, they noticed the boy who was singing and a fox standing on a tree stump. The red fur was so dazzling that it was hard not to come closer to it. They decided to climb a tree instead and watch the interaction between the two.

"Let's just wait and see if this dream is the nightmarish tale or the original one!" he said with certainty.

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