
Expanding and Dealing with the Military

It has been 2 more weeks since the talk I had with Wrenith and only 1 more week till 2 months had officially passed since our first mission.

I honestly think that that is when our second mission will happen. I thought that it would happen every month but since that was ruled out having the time one Earth double each mission also made sense.

If not the power levels would go crazy. Even now things are going crazy. I don't want to think if everyone got as crazy of a powerup as I did every month.

These 2 weeks had been treating me well to be honest, with me and Wrenith being the only 2 S-ranks in the surrounding area we were nearly invincible.

Even with our small number with the massive amounts of arms and armaments Wrenith and his apprentices could make we have outfitted all of our men with high-grade guns and armor.

We even had enough left over to send to the police and new recruits. The excess of guns and armor really helped integrate new cities.

We could probably eliminate the gangs on our own but that was not sustainable. We needed new recruits to govern these cities better.

And the way we managed to get them was that we would use our stellar reputation as well as our excess gun and armor and outfit anyone who would join us.

They would fight on the frontlines with the original members of the Heralds of Order to deal with the gangs. I was there to keep casualties low but I let them do most of the actual fighting.

This made it so that my new recruits had experience fighting and would better integrate into the broader organization after fighting side by side with us.

Nothing really bonds 2 men closer than being in a battle and having to save each other's constantly.

It honestly was going much better than expected. Although we weren't as united and disciplined as I would like, I mean this organization has only existed for 1 and three-quarter months.

The new recruits have worked, we now have a much wider variety of powers. We now have 3 psychics to protect us against mind attacks, and 1 soul magician, though he isn't that good.

Other important roles such as diplomats, doctors, and organizers had all been filled with a much wider pool of candidates to pull from.

Torres in particular was incredibly helpful being the largest city in the surrounding area and being particularly grateful for us getting rid of the New Imperium.

The backing of the Mayor and Police Captain really help as we managed to do the same in other cities, basically subverting power from them to us.

The Mayors and Police knew that they couldn't really stand up to us considering our power and the rising crime rates in the area. If they refused our help their citizens would riot.

So we took over as the police of the area, considering that the actual police force was usually left in tatters after the constant gang wars.

Along with our pretty smooth expansion, we now have to deal with the military. They had finally managed to get the larger population centers under control.

The gangs there were quashed after some heavy fighting and a lot of collateral damage. The army was also modernizing its gear quickly.

From what I saw online the average soldier already has armor around the quality of an ODST from Halo and weapons to match.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised most weapon and armor developers do work with or for the military and they already have massive factories.

I wouldn't be that hard for them to outfit most of their men. They also have currently the most S-rank individuals out of any worldwide organization.

Though after learning about the patron I wonder if that is a good thing. I know that one of them has basically made the state of California his own kingdom.

I don't know much about the other but a few S-ranks do seem a little too eager to spill blood causing casualties much higher than needed.

Either way, they seemed to stabilize ourselves though they have turned their attention to Mexico and their new government.

They aren't starting a war with them but they are prepared to any it if they do try anything. They have 10 of their 20 public S-ranks stationed there.

Now the other 10 are going through the rest of the United States and destroying all the gangs and criminals in the less populated part of the country.

The one headed in our direction is Colonel Maxwell Ulinight. He is an incredibly powerful telekinetic that can lift entire buildings in the air.

He also seems to be able to teleport short distances making him an absolute pain in the ass to kill. He is also one of the more bloodthirsty members I talked about.

Not the worst, I hadn't heard about any civilian casualties he caused, which is better than I can say for others. So I hoped he would be reasonable.

I am a stabilizing influence to the surrounding area and I only occupied like a fourth of North Dakota so they shouldn't be too worried about me as a rising power.

Either way, I will have to deal with him soon as get will probably arrive in a day's time after cleaning out the rest of our state.

Honestly, I don't expect to start a fight most people also believe that the next mission will start in around a week. Nobody wants to be injured or tired going into a mission.

So I waited and the next day we meet face to face for the first time. I met for the first time someone I wasn't sure I could take on in a one-on-one fight and win.

He started it out and said, "So you're Marcus Fulbright. You look pretty tough kid. That eyepatch really makes you seem more mature and dignified."

"Thanks," I said, "While I, unfortunately, lost it due to my arrogance I had found that it does make people listen to me despite my young age."

He laughed, "Yeah, looking scary is half the battle to getting respect. The other is actually being scary and looking at your accomplishments it seems like you fit both criteria."

I smiled, "I am nothing compared to you sir. I only fought some gangs and bandits around the area. I heard you fought in battles that had 6 S-ranks fighting at once."

He nodded, "Yeah Detriot. That was a fun one, too bad that we destroyed a few blocks in our scuffle. It was worth it though after killing one of those bastards myself."

I asked, "So what do you think of what I'm doing? I heard that organizations like mine tend to be scrutinized pretty heavily by the government."

He laughed, "Don't worry kid, your organization is pretty small potatoes in the grand scheme of things. I mean don't get me wrong it's pretty good for the time you had but it's nothing unique."

"But you are among the best organized and backed I must say. Getting the approval of the mayors and police captains without mind control is rare."

"You don't know how many times an organization like yours that had the backing of the local government was actually just due to one of them having some psychic abilities."

I sighed in relief. I wasn't going to be destroyed. I guess I was lucky that I didn't get a psychic early on as I would have definitely used them to convince some of the less amenable leaders to see things my way.

I asked, "So what's going to be done with my organization? Should we still do what we've been doing now, patrolling the streets and keeping order?"

Maxwell said, "Yeah. It's odd to me but our president seems fine with people like you making your own little territories. I mean he allowed Ryan to do so with California."

"Honestly I think it's due to the task that was given to him by his patron. Don't see why else he would let other people carve up America to their own little kingdoms."

"He only seems to make sure that whoever is ruling is doing with the support of the people, which you seem to have in spades."

I jolted in surprise, "You talk about tasks so freely. I thought that they were more private."

He laughed, "For some of the desk jockeys maybe but most of us in the military know each other's tasks. If we didn't it would be hard to trust each other after seeing what crazy thing other S-ranks got."

I asked, "Couldn't you just have ignored it? I mean, as far as I know, there is no consequence for doing so."

He said, "That is the problem, only as far as you know. We have no idea who these patrons are and what they can do. For all, we know next time we go on a mission they could instantly kill us."

"No one wants to risk that, especially now that the world is finally getting interesting. So I've got to ask what is your task."

I lied saying, "My task is to save as many people as possible."

I saw Maxwell's eyes narrow, "You better be careful with your next words. I got someone who can detect any lies you make."

"He might not be able to remember what we were talking about due to system limitation but he can still detect lies."

I was surprised I had not run anyone that could penetrate my Haki-reinforced mind. My willpower stat was well above average so I thought that I was protected from mind probes but I guess I was underestimating the military.

I said, "I don't have a task. I am just an A-rank evaluated person. I only got to S-rank after killing the sorcerer."

He nodded, "Ok, that's good. Next time don't lie, as it won't end well for you.'

I nodded silently. "Well," he said, "got any place for us to rest here. We gotta prepare for the mission that's coming soon."

I raised my eyebrow, "You managed to confirm that it's happening in a week like everyone was theorizing?"

He said, "Yeah they got some prophet back at base. Not super clear on what most of his prophecies are saying but they've so far been correct 100% of the time and this one is pretty explicit."

"Thank you for the information," I said, "May inform the rest of my organization of this news."

He laughed, "Knock yourself out, I don't care."

So he left and now I had a time confirmed for the next mission. Well time to prepare everybody and get ready for the next big shift in the world powers.

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