We headed back to the steel mill and with Mary's newly enhanced bugs we managed to spot from quite literally a mile away.
She was probably among the best scouts in the world now. She had left the bugs she had taken senses from in a burrow protected by some other bugs she left behind.
Now while she had a slightly smaller team of bugs, some of them had incredibly sharp senses. She could transfer the sense between the bugs even if one of them died so I was great.
After we moved close we noticed the group of them preparing to leave, packing up their stuff, and moving to a pick-up truck in the back.
Mary said, "I'm gonna attack in 3, 2, 1."
Before a swarm of chittering, crawling wall of insects hit the 4 men blinding them and causing a massive panic in their rank.
Mary's brother, Terrance, immediately started shooting flames blindly. But with firebending he wasn't immune to the effects of fire so he couldn't coat himself in the fire.
So he didn't kill the bugs swarming all around just making it really obvious to the rest of Brecksville that hey that pyromaniac lunatic from his morning is right here everyone.
I immediately did a Soru Bo-bup, really should think of a better name for this combination, to him and knocked him out with a swift Roundhouse Kick to the head.
I tried to move on to Donald but Terrance's random blasts of fire had apparently done enough so that Donald could now open his eyes freely and he immediately shot a laser beam at me.
It seemed to be the laser vision of Cyclops from X-men so he had to actually tilt his head to aim at me instead of actually just looking at me with his eyes.
That was good because while I was much faster than him the human eyes can track movement incredibly well whereas tilting your head to aim to pretty slow in comparison.
I rushed in and aimed to take him out with another kick just like Terrance but with a speed that I hadn't seen before from him, he limboed under my kick.
I kicked up some dirt from the ground to blind him and it worked stopping his laser vision. I tried to punch him and while it connect he managed to block it despite not being able to see.
Then it clicked, his ability to climb walls, he had the ability of Spiderman too. Before I could chase him and now knowing this information I heard a yell from behind me.
"Hiken - Tsubame Gaeshi!" and 3 swords appear cutting off my exit points. But I was much faster than and stronger than his person so I rushed in getting to his range blunting the damage of his attack.
With me too close to properly use his sword I noticed that it was Ian who was using it despite the fact that was covered in insects and couldn't see.
I kicked him in the abdomen and then tried to hit him in the head to knock him out but Donald was back in the fight and I had to dodge his laser beam.
I took a rock from the ground and flung it at him at incredible speed but he dodged once again with his spider-sense. I did make him look away for a moment and that was all I needed.
I rushed in once more this time doing a 3rd Stance Hwechook so that he couldn't escape and I knocked him out.
Ian was on the ground struggling to get up and Zack was flailing around blinding showing the weakness of a specialized build. Too weak to attacks like this.
I walked to Ian again slowly all threats basically eliminated. He staggered to his feet and I saw him grip his sword and quickly get into a proper stance.
He then jumped into the air above me trying to strike down at me with both his hands. He was incredibly skilled and if not for the fact that his stats were around 50 I would've been hit.
But he was too slow and I hit him in the head with a punch and he was knocked out. I walked up to the struggling and blinded Zack and I put him down with a kick to the back of his head.
I said, "They're all passed out now. You can begin to web them up now. Make sure that Donald can't open his eyes and put extra webs on Zack. I will start loading them into the pickup."
I didn't see her but the insects start moving as I bid so I assumed she heard. I loaded them into the back of the pickup and once Mary enter the side door I drove away.
I asked, "See any cops nearby?"
She said, "No nothing. The fight was pretty quick only 10 seconds. I don't think there will be any cops for quite a while considering the time and location but I will be on the lookout."
I nodded and we passed an hour in amiable silence before I stopped in the middle of an empty field and dropped off our prisoners.
I slapped each of them awake and once Terrence woke up I and he saw his sister he seemed to go into a rage.
"You bitch!" He yelled, "You betrayed after all I have done for you! I robbed the bank to get money for our family and this is how you repay me! How dare you!"
He continued on like this for a while trying to summon a knife in his hand from the inventory to free himself. I kicked it out of the way, need to remember people have inventories now.
Luckily he seems to be pretty poor at firebending as he couldn't do it without the use of his arms and legs. As for the others, they were struggling just as futilely.
I looked at them and asked, "Why are you following this idiot? He is not the strongest among you nor does he seem to be the smartest?"
Zack opened his mouth to respond but Terrence interrupted him, "You! You're the one that helped my sister catch us! I know she can't do it on her own that useless bitch!"
"Help me free! She doesn't know what she is doing! Just let me free and we can talk it out like civilized people! We don't need that dumb bitch to be here!"
He continued trying to get me to free him while insulting Mary in the process. Mary seemed done with it as she set spider to web up his mouth.
He stood stock-still once he felt spiders crawling on his skin. I turned back to the 3 other men and asked, "Sorry for the interruption why are you following this man again?"
Zack finally spoke up, "Terrence well, he controls the streets around Upton Street. He seemed to know what he was doing. He was always the one to chase out any rivals."
Ian nodded, "While he might not be putting his best foot forward, he was fiercely loyal. He marched into enemy territory alone after Donald got beat up by a rival gang."
I nodded, "So do you still support him after what he did to that police officer, Simon. I mean he had a wife and child and Terrance killed him in a pretty sadistic fashion."
I could see grimaces on the 3 faces as I mention that fact. Donald spoke up, "Terrance let the power get to his head. I didn't like the way he killed Simon but he was our leader."
The other two nodded to his statement. I asked, "What about the attack on the police station later tonight, were you still up for that."
Zack spoke up, "I thought I was going to something normal like we usually do. Vandalize the place a little, leave some graffiti but once I heard the full plan I wanted to back out."
They all stayed silent seeming to agree with Zack, "So are you still gonna follow Terrance now. He seems pretty deranged. Don't know if it is safe to follow him anymore."
There was a beat of silence before Ian said, "I don't want to follow him anymore. I have changed as a man during my mission and I no longer want to live a life of crime."
The other two stayed silent before Zack said, "I agree with Ian." Lastly, Donald nodded his head shamefully, not looking in Terrance's direction despite his blindfold.
I looked at Terrance who looked furious at his lackey's perceived betrayal. I said, "That is what you get for going off the deep end."
I looked at the 3 men, "You're lucky during the bank heist earlier no one got a good look at you 3 and mostly focused on Terrance here. So you have a chance to quit."
"I'll give you an option. I am currently trying to make a team of powerful men to protect our town against the dangers of the outside world."
"You 3 are pretty strong. I offer you to join the cause and instead of using your gifts for evil turn them for the better. I have rewards for you if you agree."
"What rewards," said Donald.
I smiled pulling out the laser rifle and shooting it at a tree in the distance completely annihilating it. "Reward like this, " I stated.
I didn't trust these three at all, but I needed cannon fodder for my organization and they would do well. They saw how powerful I was and now knew their potential rewards.
I said, "Ask Mary I already gave her a reward."
They all looked at her expectantly and she said, "He gave me a fruit that after I ate I could take the senses of one person to enhance another."
To demonstrate she walked to each of them taking all their sense and then enhancing their senses using the other 2 as the battery.
Once each of them felt the terror of losing all their senses and the power of gaining and enhancement I knew they were hooked.
I said, "So are you in?"
They all responded, "Yes."