
15 Learning about the Shark Eaters

After I calmed down we headed back to the jungle to regroup. We needed to make a plan to kill the Shark Eaters, just charging in guys blazing was way do dangerous.

So when we reached camp I asked Barry, "Can you tell me more about the Shark Eaters."

He rubbed his face and said, "I'll tell you what I know, but I'm warning you I don't know much. I only heard about them through word of mouth."

I nodded and bid him continue. He said, "As I mentioned what keeps the Shark Eaters in power is their massive stockpile of guns and ammunition."

"This allows them to project force across the Devil's Shithole much more effectively than any other gang before them."

"They are not only limited to the guns you saw back there, however. Those are typically given only to new recruits. The lieutenants have much stronger guns."

"I know that one of them has a gun that can seemingly fire an infinite number of bullets and another has a gun that can kill you from kilometers away."

"There are also rumors that the boss Lucky Jack has unnatural powers. It is said he knows things, that he shouldn't, if you whisper his name he can hear it no matter where you are."

"His right-hand man is also some kind of monster. People who have seen him said that he stood nearly 10 feet tall and had teeth and claws larger than the tigers out here."

I nodded taking that in. So the lieutenants basically have better guns. Sound like they have a machine gun and a sniper rifle.

That's annoying, I am not as fast as a bullet so if they snipe me from too far for me to notice or spray too many bullets, I can't dodge and would die.

He said also that is only the lieutenants he knows. The other lieutenants might have other guns like bazookas, shotguns, or even anti-tank rifles for all I know.

So I better make sure to kill them as soon as possible. Most of their danger comes from their weapons so they should be pretty squishy.

As for the boss and his right-hand man, sounds like they have devil fruits. Lucky Jack probably has some type of paramecia fruit that helps him gather information.

I should probably try and learn the mechanism that he uses to do that. If it is something like the glare-glare fruit then I would have no chance of ambushing them.

Hopefully, it is something weaker or this mission got a lot harder.

For Jack's right-hand man it sounds like he got some type of zoan fruit. A pretty good one at that as it sounds like it is a predatory zoan fruit.

He probably has massively boosted stats that might be as good as mine or even exceed in. Out of all the combatants, I heard I seem like he is the only one I can't instant kill if I had the chance.

I would probably have to have a drawn-out fight to kill him. So I should probably kill him last. I ideally want to take out as much of them as possible before showing myself.

This minimizes the chance I will be surrounded and then shot to death. It also gives me ample time to beat them if I catch them out on their own.

With my plan decided I needed to first figure out where I could find them. While knowing their capabilities are good I need more.

I needed to know their patrol routes, watch schedules, response times, and a bunch of other information if I wanted my plan to succeed.

So I turned to Barry, "Do you know anybody who might know more about the Shark Eaters? Like their patrol routes and schedules."

Barry scratched his chin. "I might know of someone but he ain't a friend. He was part of one of the gangs that Lucky Jack crushed to establish the Shark Eaters."

"He managed to escape but lost an arm in the process. He is still around dealing in the black market fencing goods. He may have some contacts I don't."

I nodded that sounded perfect. I sounded like they would definitely know much more than Barry. I said, "Sounds great. Where is he?"

Barry said, "He lives pretty close to the city walls, it allows him to sell the goods faster. Last I saw he was near Yelmer village."

"I can show you the way but it will definitely take at least 2 days to reach him. Considering that you killed 10 of the Shark Eater's men they must be as busy as a hornet's nest."

"They probably do not think that it is us considering how we look but they might just be in a bad enough mood to pick a fight anyways."

I agreed with his points and said, "Yeah we'll have to be careful to make sure that we miss their patrol. If we do meet them however I'll try to kill all of them as quickly as possible."

He murmured out, "Ok lad. Hopefully, Roderick is still not mad at me. It's been a year already, he should have calmed down by now."

Hearing that I asked, "What?"

Barry turned to me sheepish and said, "Well, I used to work with Roderick. If I found something interesting or heard that somebody did I would tell him about it."

"But last year, I heard a rumor that a devil fruit had been found in the jungle. When I told him he was very enthusiastic about it."

"He called all his contacts and rushed into the jungle to find this supposed devil fruit. Turns out it was just a rumor made up by an enthusiastic water runner."

"Roderick lost a lot of people in the search for the devil fruit. His legitimacy and business relations in the underworld took a massive blow."

"He blames me for the whole debacle. But it was his fault for getting too into it. I told him it was just a rumor but he still pulled out all the stops to try and get it."

I sighed hearing the story. Damn this was going to be harder than expected. It seems we're not even starting at zero, but at negative 100 in our relationship meter.

Oh well, it may be a pain in the ass, when the sun rose the next day,, me and Barry packed the bags and headed on the trip to meet Roderick.

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