
I'll teach you

Kenny knew very well that her "it's okay," meant something else but he kept shut until they reached the clinic. Her check-up went well and her baby was doing fine but she was asked to visit again in her 8 weeks of pregnancy.

With that, they headed home, they did share a little-little conversation before getting home and when they reached their neighbourhood, they were greeted by their neighbours and most especially their Landlady and her two children.

Kenny could still view how Mama Belle's son stare at Mona but he only scoffed and said to himself. "What you see is not what you get."

Well, they settled home at last and in their room. It was half-past seven when they entered their house.

Now, after she had her bath, she saw that Kenny was ready for his bath too which reminded her of his lower part.

Heading to the bathroom he heard her call his attention. "Yes, baby."

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